I Can't Believe I Watched the Whole Thing

Posted by Bobby Eberle
January 28, 2010 at 9:10 am

Barack Obama has been on television so many times that it makes my head spin. From his speeches to Congress to his numerous press conferences, I just can't take it. Most of the time, I simply read through the transcript later so that I can avoid all the smugness and arrogance. However, on Wednesday night, I decided to watch Obama's State of the Union address live. Boy, was that a mistake!

Not only was Obama as narcissistic as ever, the speech was nothing like some pundits were predicting. Having faced stunning gubernatorial losses in Virginia and New Jersey and then the historical Scott Brown Senate victory in Massachusetts, those "in the know" speculated that Obama would move toward the middle. Wrong! The speech was the same old socialist rhetoric topped with a direct confrontation with members of the Supreme Court. There was no class at all... but should I have expected anything else?

It was truly agonizing watching for more than an hour as Obama extolled the need for jobs but only offered government as the solution. A job "created" by the government simply based on Obama's proclamation that it is an "approved" job will only last as long as tax payers are paying for that job. Is that a real job? What about promoting an economic climate so that businesses can hire more people?

Obama railed against the spending, yet it was his socialist plan that exploded the budget and put more power in the hands of Washington bureaucrats. His proposal to "cut spending" after his massive spending is just silly. He talked about not wanted to burden a few generations of Americans with debt, but his policies have led to several generations being burdened.

As noted in the AP Fact Check on GOPUSA: http://www.gopusa.com/news/2010/january ... eck1.shtml

OBAMA: "Starting in 2011, we are prepared to freeze government spending for three years. Spending related to our national security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will not be affected. But all other discretionary government programs will. Like any cash-strapped family, we will work within a budget to invest in what we need and sacrifice what we don't."

THE FACTS: The anticipated savings from this proposal would amount to less than one percent of the deficit -- and that's if the president can persuade Congress to go along.

Obama is a convert to the cause of broad spending freezes. In the presidential campaign, he criticized Republican opponent John McCain for suggesting one. "The problem with a spending freeze is you're using a hatchet where you need a scalpel," he said a month before the election. Now, Obama wants domestic spending held steady in most areas where the government can control year to year costs. The proposal is similar to McCain's.

Later in the speech, I guess Obama thought no one was listening or perhaps was trying his hand at stand-up comedy. He actually spent time blasting lobbyists and special interests. Completely amazing! This is coming from the man who hires lobbyists! The Democrat-controlled Senate is performing backroom negotiations with the aid of lobbyists and unions to craft the health care bill. Now he doesn't like them?

OBAMA: The president issued a populist broadside against lobbyists, saying they have "outsized influence" over the government. He said his administration has "excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs." He also said it's time to "require lobbyists to disclose each contact they make on behalf of a client with my administration or Congress" and "to put strict limits on the contributions that lobbyists give to candidates for federal office."

THE FACTS: Obama has limited the hiring of lobbyists for administration jobs, but the ban isn't absolute; seven waivers from the ban have been granted to White House officials alone.

One of the most stunning moments of the entire speech was when Obama addressed the members of the Supreme Court directly. I have never seen this before. He blasted their recent ruling on election spending by advocacy groups. Not only was this an extreme breach of protocol in my opinion, it was also wrong. Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito couldn't sit stone-faced while Obama went on and muttered the words "not true" to Obama's attack.

Alito mouths "not true" as Obama criticizes Sup Ct for opening floodgates to special interests

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pB5uR3z ... r_embedded

In contrast to Obama's "spend, spend, spend, government control, government control, government control all in the name of reducing spending and expanding freedom" speech, I invite you to study the Republican response given by newly elected Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell.

GOP Response: Curb Government, Spending

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPeP7TLc ... r_embedded

His speech actually cited such forgotten principles as free enterprise, private job creation, and the limited role of government. It was so refreshing, especially after Obama's speech.

I invite readers to add their comments and point out particular passages of the speech that caught their attention the most. There is just too much to go over in one column. For me, it was just an endless laundry list of spending... along with yet another blast at former President George W. Bush. Yes... Obama did the "blame Bush" thing again. Get over it already!
