Corruption Kills.

Corruption Murders.

In particular, it murders YOU.

It just does it SLOWLY. Corruption is a long, slow death.

Case in Point Take a look at ITALY

1 Italy is run by the Mafia, and has been for 60 years...

2 The Italian birth rate is so low that Italians in Italy will go extinct in ~100 years. Italian women, "liberated" by Leftism, by which we really mean saddled with Mafia corruption, are only have half as many babies as their are Italians today. Italian women have on average only one child. That makes up for them... but not the Italian menfolk. Every couple, a man and a women, only comes up with one child. Two people become one in the next generation.

Every generation, the Italian population is cut in half. The Bubonic plague, the "Black Death", killed 1/3 of Europe's population...

Corruption is killing half the population, over and over and over and over generation upon generation. This is not an academic exercise, your grandchildren will live to see the day when, in effect, the last Italian in Italy is "ethnically cleansed" out of the land. Long before that, Italians will be a rapidly declining minority in Italy — which will be renamed "North North Africa" or "North Libya" or "Northeast Morocco".

By saddling Italians with rampant prostitution, the Mafia annihilates hundreds of thousands of mothers before they even have a family. By saddling Italians with corruption and fear, the Mafia grinds down Italian men, making them too poor to raise the families they could have otherwise.

In effect, which is all that matters, corruption exterminates Italian families... BEFORE those families even FORM in the first place (!!). Mafia corruption "nips them in the bud", grinding Italian men into poverty and forcing Italian women into prostitution.

Add to that the "Leftism" that makes up the breeding ground of corruption to begin with, and boom!! Italians start dropping like flies — 50% kill rate every 20 years (=1 generation).

You believe that the Mafia is Italian... that is what you think because that is what Hollywood shows you on movies and TV shows...

But in reality, the Mafia is EXTERMINATING Italy. Watch! Watch! Your grandchildren will live to see Italy de facto "ethnically cleansed" of the last Italian! They will see it, with their own eyes, just you wait.

No one gets it. No one sees. It is too late for Italy — Italians are a dead race. It's like going to work: it takes 15 minutes to get to work, you're getting in your car with only 5 minutes to spare... the time-clock has logged you "late" just quite yet... but you're still late all the same.

No one gets it. No one sees. It is too late for Italy — Italians are a dead race. But, in reality, the Mafia is ethnically cleansing Italy... one prostitute (=potential mother) and one poor peasant (=potential father) at a time... and clearing the land for the hoardes of non-European immigrants who are flooding into Italy (just like America)...

because, just like America, Italian corporations prefer the cheap labor of non-Italians.

No one gets it. No one sees. It is too late for Italy — Italians are a dead race. But, as the saying goes, "when you lose the battle, don't lose the lesson".

It is too late for Italy. But hopefully, when you all see Italy ethnically cleansed of the last Italian...

then you will start to wake up...

and realize that CORRUPTION is the MEANS to the END desired by global corporations seeking greater profits through slave labor.

You Euros are too uppity. You high-handed sinners will have to go. Corruption and Mafias are the means to that end.

Corruption KILLS... Corruption MURDERS... Y-O-U...
it just murders you SLOWLY...
so you don't see...
and the whole time, you willingly pay your own hard earned money to watch The Godfather and Sopranos and praise mafioso as cool hip people with higher status than you.

The Mafia are soldiers. They are SS divisions. They are Einsatzgruppen. They are doing their job....

and doing it better than the Black Death did 700 years ago.

Just so you hear it 1x. Take a clue from Italy. You won't believe me today, or even tomorrow. But when you see them die off, perhaps then you'll realize you shouldn't roll over to your mortal foes.

(Otherwise, just as Italy will become "North Libya" (watch!), what were once your lands will become "North Mexico".)

PS: If you listen carefully, you'll hear them laughing...