By J.B. Williams
March 7, 2011

The current daily federal assault on state and individual rights has nearly every state legislature and governor scrambling to figure out what their state rights really are and how to assert them, before state sovereignty is completely eliminated under the assumed powers of so-called Federal Supremacy.

Unlike federal legislators, state legislators swear an oath to protect and preserve the rights of their states and establish state policy on behalf of state citizens. They are obligated to live within the confines of the US Constitution in so doing, but their primary oath is to the people of their individual state, not the federal government.

Yet many state officials have a convoluted understanding of their oath and obligations, claiming the existence of states’ rights, but no right or means to assert these rights.

Basic Constitutional Knowledge 101

It’s widely known that our federal government was created by the states (the colonies) to serve at the pleasure of the states and the people. We know that our federal government is a Representative Republic (not a popular democracy) and that the governing Law of the Land is the US Constitution, not an unelected oligarchy.

It’s understood that the federal government was assigned certain specific duties and the authority necessary to perform those duties, and we also know that any powers and duties not specifically delegated to the federal government in the US Constitution, are duties and powers reserved to the states and/or the people, under the Tenth Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

Despite this common knowledge, many remain confused about state rights and the methods of protecting and preserving the Republic and specifically, the rights of each state. Legislators and lawyers are no exception.

Expanded Federal Powers

Over the years since the ratification of the US Constitution, a steady effort has been under way to expand federal powers, not by Amendment process, but by legal interpretations of existing constitutional text.

The Supremacy Clause – Commerce Clause – General Welfare Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause, http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictiona ... r%2BClause have all been intentionally perverted for the purpose of expanding federal powers. Although these clauses all exist in constitutional text as delegated powers, the modern interpretation of these federal powers are now the exact opposite of their original intent.

• Federal law is “supremeâ€