By Michael Shaw
January 17, 2011

America was founded on certain principles: those of individual liberty and responsibility, a small federal government, and sovereign states that would protect their citizens’ unalienable rights. ... 090805368/ Over time many Americans got so involved in living their seemingly free lives they neglected oversight of what was happening to their country. Those who loved American ideals lived them and those who did not were busy working both from within and without the government to eradicate these principles from the American consciousness.

This dumbing down of America was planned and it took place over many decades as Charlotte Iserbyt explains in her Deliberate Dumbing Down of America expose. Controlled media and public education infused the populace with attitudes, values and beliefs that enabled the power thrust of globalists to grow. Thus the greatest political experiment in the history of the world has morphed into what we now call “globalism.â€