Vandal burns second flag hanging at Dallas home of former Marine

10:26 AM CDT on Tuesday, July 14, 2009
By AVI SELK / The Dallas Morning News

A vandal has struck again, torching another flag hanging outside the Far North Dallas home of a retired Marine

According to a Dallas police report, Ed Jordan experienced some deja-vu Sunday evening when a neighbor knocked on his door to tell him his front-porch American flag had been incinerated.

Jordan, who could not be reached for comment this morning, had flown the flag to replace two others that were burned in June. This time, Jordan was home as the flag burned, according to police.

A witness told investigators she had heard "skateboard-like noises" from a nearby alley but a search of the area did not turn up anyone suspicious.

The 70-year-old former Marine helped ignite a patriotic firestorm when an unknown vandal struck the neighborhood just north of Valley View Mall and set fire to Jordan's front-porch American and Marine Corps flags on June 29. He was not home during the incident

After The Dallas Morning News and several local TV stations reported the burning, Jordan was flooded with offers from veterans, soldiers and even musician Kid Rock to replace the flag.

Jordan's neighbor Celeste Mele, whose own flag was burned on June 29, said she had heard about the second incident.

"I was out there putting my new flag up yesterday when another neighbor came by and said, 'Oh, Ed Jordan's flag got burned again,'" Mele said, adding that a neighbor who lives directly across the street from Jordan noticed his new flag was gone Sunday night.

"You gotta wonder," Mele said.

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