I saw this one on Neil Cavuto (fox news) last night, but can't find the video to save my life. He mentioned several Czars that will be working in a few states - one of which is Idaho.

Since I could not find the info. on it via Fox News, I looked and did a fast search and came up with the gov's site.


[Coordination & Oversight

The Idaho legislature will make decisions on how to appropriate the stimulus funds. Gov. Otter or the Board of Examiners has the authority to spend these funds if money comes in while the legislature is not in session. Otherwise, the governor can only recommend uses of the funds. There is a Stimulus Executive Committee that reviews proposals from both state agencies and the private sector. The committee is made up of three former governors and five former state budget directors.

Despite the limits on his authority, Gov. Otter took steps to remain central to the process. By executive order, he has required all state agencies to notify him directly of requests for stimulus funding or of funds received. Those individual requests, signed by agency officials, can be downloaded from the state's stimulus website, but no consolidated list of approved or recommended projects is available.

Idaho's Stimulus "Czar" is Wayne Hammon, Director of the Division of Financial Management. Prior to joining the Governor's staff, Hammon served over six years as Idaho State Executive Director for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm Service Agency and spent over seven years in Washington, DC in a variety of positions. ]

I will try to find out who this bozo is, and how bad this means for us here in Idaho.....but....looking at his service in the Ag. Industry, I think we have another fight on our hands here in Idaho....a really BIG one.