Emergency eAlert - 09.12.10 [1:00 PM EDT]

Hacked Again! Multiple Web Sites Hacked To Keep You From Defeating S. 510!

ACT NOW, Forward Widely!

Major Hack Attack Just When We Need Your Action the Most! Coincidence? NOT!

These Action Items are So Important That We, AND Oracle Broadcasting, Just Got Knocked Off the Internet To Keep You From Taking Action!

Defeat S. 510 to prevent the total industrialization of Food: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/56 ... n_KEY=4613

Donate to Help Health Freedom Stay Online (Clearly, We Need Higher Security Servers!): http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=189

Here is the link to the Archives where you can hear this morning's Dr. Rima Reports Show as we discover we are being hacked and create our workaround with our outstanding guests, Charlotte Gerson and Howard Straus: http://www.oraclebroadcasting.com/archives.php?who=Rima

If you were listening to our Dr. Rima Reports broadcast, www.Oraclebroadcasting.com, or www.HealthFreedomPortal.org, this morning, you know:

1. Natural Solutions Foundation's main websites, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org, and www.GlobalHealthFreedom.org, were nowhere to be found

2. www.HealthFreedomPortal.org, our live chat and show access page for the show, was not available since it, too, was hacked

3. Our massively important Action Item against S. 510 was unavailable so you were blocked from taking action to prevent the total destruction and industrialization of the US food supply and the triumph of Codex Alimentarius in America. Your emails have successfully stopped passage of this bill, which has been called "Monsanto's wet dream bill", since last November. The globalist controllers, apparently, are growing impatient.

4. Because of this hacking episode you could not make a tax deductible donation through our "donate" tab as you usually can do.

5. The internet radio station, www.OracleBroadcasting.com, which we broadcast through lost its sound capacity during our show so listeners to the Dr. Rima Reports suddenly found that the only way they could listen to the show was through the call in line, 512-904-8014! Most of them, obviously, simply lost the show.

Health and Food Freedom websites are under attack and were taken off the internet about 11 AM this morning, near the start of the Dr. Rima Reports Internet Radio Program. As in past hack attacks, this occurs at a critical moment as we seek to overcome the false letter sent late Friday afteroon from the heads of FDA and HHS to the members of the US Senate, trying to stampede them into passing the fake "food safety" bill, S.510.

During the show, Ralph Fucetola, JD, Counsel and Trustee, set up an emergency link on the so-far-unhacked site, www.drrima.net, so that you can, in fact, take action. In less than 1 hour, more than 500 people did so, generating 2500 emails to Congress and other decision makers. That is not good enough.

The emergency page linked below is posted on the Dr Rima Network to allow access to urgent action items and updates in this battle.

Please also check here for updates:



This link takes you directly to the Action Item:

http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/56 ... n_KEY=4613

Take it once for each member of your family and then send it to everyone you can reach electronically. They all eat. They all can come down with the chronic diseases of under nutrition. It is their issue, too. Ask each of them to take the action once for each member of their family and then send it out to their contacts, asking those contacts to repeat those steps, etc.

Next, go to this site to find your US Senators' phone numbers:


Please, after sending your email above, get the phone number and CALL
your US Senator's office, leave a strong message!

You may want to tell them in your message that the language in S.510:

1. Will close down family and organic farms because it requires them to have hugely
expensive machinary that they cannot afford;

2. Will create a monopoly over industrialized food for Big Agrabiz;

3. Will NOT stop tainted food problems because the bad stuff comes from
Big Agribiz where they already have the machinery and mechanisms required but still produce factory farm food;

4. Has language that opens the door for Codex restrictions to be implemented in the US despite the will of the people, current law and current regulation

5. The law contains language that allows bureaucrats to create secret regulations;

6. Will put the Homeland Security in charge of food delivery systems around the country
- politicizing same since any state in disagreement with the Feds will have
problems receiving food;

7. Because S. 510 so strongly favors Big Agrabiz, companies like Monsanto will more easily be able to push its GM agenda; and

8. Will cost at least $825 million in the first year...

We MUST take off the white gloves, take the Action Item and then call their Senators on Monday to rage about this Bill. S. 510 could come up as early as Monday and probably will, sometime this week. We are looking for a couple of Senators who are willing to fight it on the floor so it will be delayed - if delayed to the end of the year, it is dead - but the Globalists are seriously pushing this now... and they want YOU dead!

So you must act now; forward this widely!

Of course, our donation page is down too, but you can donate through PayPal via www.DrRima.net
(donation button on lower right). Please help! We urgently need funds now!
We need to migrate our sites to much more secure servers!

Here is the link to the Archives where you can hear this morning's Dr. Rima Reports Show as we discover we are being hacked and create our workaround with our outstanding guests, Charlotte Gerson and Howard Straus: http://www.oraclebroadcasting.com/archives.php?who=Rima

Yours in health and freedom,

The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation

Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)


Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Ralph Fucetoal, JD

Counsel and Trustee

Natural Solutions Foundation
Senators: Hold S.510!

Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedomâ„¢

Tell Your Senators to Continue Stopping S510!
Ask them to KEEP the "Hold" on the Bill!

Rotten Eggs and the new S510 push a coincidence? NOT!

Our friends in DC tell us the fake "Food Safety" bill about which we have warned WILL be back again in September! We stopped it in November 2009 with a couple hundred thousand messages to the Senate HELP committe; we held it off through the July 4th weekend, and then through the August recess - major goals achieved! If we can hold it off til near the election, it is very unlikely to ever pass.


Below is the latest Action Item we need you to take!
Tell Your Senators that the Bill stinks like a Rotten (Factory Farm) Egg!
Bullet Point List of Bad S.510 Provisions:

July 14, 2010 Update: The congressional majority leadership has issued its "short list" of bills it wants to push to passage before the August recess. The good news is: S.510 is NOT on the list! The bad news is that the bill's handers could "sneak it through" the Senate as a "unanimous consent" non-controversial matter! That is, unless opposing Senators put a "hold" on the bill, which means it cannot be treated as non-controversial. Please send the Action Item below to your Senators, demanding that the "hold" the bill! How does a Senator do that? The Senator has one of his or her staff members call the staff of the Senate Cloak Room (yes, there still is a Senate Cloak Room, but now it has a staff! Ah, bureaucracy! The staff is responsible for non-controversial, unanimous consent bills. That's where this bad bill stops!

Natural Solutions Foundation, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org, suggests that you write your Senators to tell them about the overwhelming sentiment of their constituents who, like you, are adamantly opposed to the passage of S510 or any other legislation which industrializes the US food chain, damages independent and organic farmers, community gardens and markets, and make food less safe, much less safe...

We urge you to use the Action Item below to tell your Senators:

"Your constituents and others all around the US, in our determination to protect the right of every American to clean, healthy, clearly labled, unadulterated food, have brought strenuous objection to degrading our food supply and implementing the well-presented, but very dangerous Codex HARMonziation which the corrupt and dangerous FDA, USDA and other industry-led agencies are so eager to present to us as faits accompli.

Instead, we look to you to preserve our right to clean food, labeled to indicate pesticides, adulterants, GMOs and other dangerous ingredients and to make sure that S. 510, the mis-named "Food SAFETY Bill" is defeated through either inaction or a successful Nay vote and any similar bill is, likewise, defeated.


We remind you, among the dangers facing our food and our freedom is the FDA's determination to destroy our access to high potency nutrients, although guaranteed by the 1994 Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA). Various failed bills and amendments to do so, along with the FDA's illegal Codex activities constantly threaten this freedom of choice.

We need to let our Senators know we will be monitoring their activities on these issues closely. Please continue to the Action Item below.

Thank you,

Natural Solutions Foundation Trustees

Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army, ret) - President
Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD
Ralph Fucetola JD

The Natural Solutions Foundation

Please visit us at www.healthfreedomusa.org

http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/56 ... n_KEY=4613
