RE: Senate Judiciary Committee which has the Ags Jobs amnesty
As of Sun morning @ 10: A.M. EST
The following committee members will not accept calls at their DC office after hours. 1 866 -340-9281
Kennedy Feinstein Cornyn

The following members have temporarily disconnected their phones after hours.
Feingold Shummer Durbin Grassley Kyle Coburn

They must be punished. Please make sure that the fax machines are out of paper. Please make sure that the e-mail server is filled. Are there 5000 people who will donate an hour?

You can leave a voice mail in DC for the following members:
Leahy Biden Kohl Cardin Whitehouse Specter Hatch Graham Brownback

Jeff Sessions is on this committee. You can leave a nice voice mail as he will surely vote no.

Talking points:
amnesty for 3 million
H-2A visas have no cap
Taxpayer money given to farmers to mechanize/ they lined their pockets and were irresponsible
Business lies there is no labor shortage 85 Million Americans unemployed You support lies?
This entire proposed bill is crap Kill it

It is easier to kill this amnesty in Committee than to wait for a floor vote. 19 committee members/ one sure no vote (Sessions). Bombard until they are quaking.
