A year after Democrats took over the Senate and three years after they won the House, the alligators are still swimming

To Survive, the Democrats Must Throw Obama, Pelosi and Reid under the bus before Nov. 2010

By Marion Valentine
Thursday, January 14, 2010

It is highly doubtful Obama will finish out his first term, things did not work out so he could declare martial law, and even though he still thinks he can get away with it, America has woken up, and before even the most liberal in Congress allow Obama’s policies to start a shooting war they will join with us in calling for Obama to resign, or be impeached.

1. H1N1 even though a national emergency was declared did not prove to be dire enough to declare martial law.

2. Delays on the health care bill and cap and trade are major setbacks in Obama’s scheme to grab power.

3. Public opinion is turning against govt’s claim of global warming, thwarting another power grab.

4. Giving INTERPOL immunity from our constitutional laws, and the latest Executive Order establishing the council of govenors to direct all military activity in the U.S. if he tries to implement will be the spark that will launch an armed rebellion. I think all members of Congress know this,and regardless of party or how liberal they are, most will stand up to stop an armed rebellion by throwing Obama under the bus
From USA Today Democrats behaving badly
“Empty vow.

Democrats recaptured control of Congress from Republicans in part on promises to establish tough new ethics rules and “drain the swamp,â€