TEA Parties and "End the Fed" Protests Cannot Win Back the Republic Without this Information

Sustainable Development: The Root of All Our Problems

By Tom Deweese
Friday, August 7, 2009

Many Americans appear to be awakening from their slumber of apathy as government forces are making their move for total control of our lives. Massive TEA Party protests on April 15th, followed by more than 1000 again on Independence Day, show a growing movement of concerned, dedicated Americans. But there is a major component missing from those protests. There is a nearly universal lack of understanding of the issue of Sustainable Development and the dangers it poses to our liberty. Consequently, that issue is being left out of the protests.

Meanwhile, as thousands attend the TEA Parties and protest the Federal Reserve, taxes, and out of control federal government, inside their local city halls, international forces are busy turning the communities into little soviets.

I have been traveling the nation over the past few months sounding the alarm that we cannot win this battle to restore our Republic if we don’t understand that what we face is not a bunch of random issues – but a complete agenda of control – Sustainable Development. (Read my Spokane speech here Part1, Part2) Cap N Trade, global warming, population control, gun control, open borders and illegal immigration, higher taxes, higher gas prices, refusal to drill American oil, education restructuring, international IDs, natural health supplement control, food control, farming “reform,â€