Parents Upset About Teacher's Racial Comments

March 2, 2006 - Some parents in Madera think the school district should fire a teacher who is accused of making negative racial comments to students.

The teacher at Jefferson Middle School has apologized for saying, "Colored and dark skinned students are not motivated to learn."
The school district says teacher Randy Kincaide has been disciplined, but can't be fired unless he continues making such statements.

"The fact he used colored, dark skinned is more degrading had he called somebody the n word," said parent Michelle Alexander.

"He did not get away with it in this incident, and he would not get away with it if there's another incident," said Mike Young, from Madera Unified.

Parents attending a meeting in Madera on Wednesday night were frustrated that other children could still be insulted.

The district has pledged to monitor the teacher's behavior.
All the data proves this teacher's remark, he just said it where he shouldn't.