I found the part about "Goodwin's Law" (which if you follow the link in the story you will see it called Godwin's Law; especially interesting since we see this happen a lot in this forum during troll attacks. And we see it regularly during protests by the pro-illegal crowd.

Teaching Communism to Our Children in Seattle
By Warner Todd Huston (08/14/07)

Any number of examples can be found these days to illustrate the poor or destructive education received by our children in the United States today. All across the country our children are being slighted by Teacher's Unions and organizations who don't wish to teach but wish to indoctrinate our children with their brand of political activism. From the whitewashing and PCing of our history textbooks to the failed "new" concepts in teaching being so regrettably foisted upon our little ones as an "education," the examples are legion and can be found with ease. That activism is almost universally in the socialist or communist mode of thinking, one antithetical to the whole of the American experience. It is a mode of thinking designed to destroy the things that make America great.

No better example can be found than that out of the Hilltop Children's Center of Seattle, Washington, where recently an experiment in communism was imposed upon the innocent children who were unfortunate enough to have had their unthinking parents force them to attend.*

In the face of a perfect example of the natural inclinations of man acted out by the children at this Seattle indoctrination center, the "teachers" there decided that their class room offered the perfect opportunity to, in their words, "launch a critical evaluation of ... the inequities of private ownership and hierarchical authority on which it was founded."

In other words, these teachers decided that the truly human characteristics exhibited by their students, those characteristics upon which our Founding Fathers based the greatest political experiment in liberty and freedom known to man, needed to be crushed, and that their children needed to have their humanity wiped clean in favor of a new, “collectivistâ€