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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Natural Solutions Foundation
    Congress: Don't "Fix" S.510 - Just Kill the Bill!

    [Click Here for Action Item Below]
    Natural Solutions Foundation
    Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedomâ„¢ -

    THE US SENATE VOTED on 11.30.10 TO END
    House "Ways & Means" Found a Constitutional Error...
    Don't "fix" it - kill this bill!

    As the Senate passed S.510, Sen Coburn said the bill will raise food prices; add $1.5 billion to deficit; add unfunded state mandates. It will not increase food safety one bite. NY Times reports the "lame-duck leadership" in the House will attempt a quick S.510 passage.

    Food Freedom advocates agree with the House Ways & Means Committee that the US Senate illegally passed S.510 in violation of the House's Constitutional authority to originate all revenue bills, see:

    WE HAVE PREPARED THIS NEW ACTION ITEM TELLING THE SENATE & THE HOUSE NOT TO "FIX" THIS FLAWED BILL! The NY times reported the "lame-duck leadership" in the House will attempt quick passage!

    We say: "NO!" whether it is a stand-alone bill, part of another "must pass" bill, or offered with a new name and number! No parliamentary tricks! Kill this Bill!

    "Despite unusual bipartisan support on Capitol Hill and a strong push from the Obama administration, though, the bill could still die, because there might not be enough time left in the session for the usual haggling between the Senate and House of Representatives, which passed its own version of the bill last year..."

    Message from General Bert: "There comes a point in every battle when both sides are exhausted and the battle is ending... the side that perseveres just a little longer will win! That is where we are now... PUSH BACK now!"

    Natural Solutions Foundation ... n_KEY=5303


  2. #2

  3. #3
    Keep calling! Your hard work is paying off!

    Snowe is a NO

    Lugar will vote NO if it comes up this week.

    Brownback will be voting NO.

    Bennet is Yes if it's a stand alone bill.

    Collins still undecided

    Murkowski is still reviewing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    This is coming up next I think it is in another bill I think is the the funding bill for the upcoming year...

    The put the Food Safety Bill into the Federal Budget Bill....


  5. #5
    Friends of ALIPAC,

    With the breaking news on our homepage ( reported from NumbersUSA that Maine Senator Olympia Snowe will vote No ON Dream Amnesty Cloture, Sen Reid is retreating!

    He has now announced that the Senate will vote after the house votes on the bill!

    We must now pursue Reid as he runs to his Democratic stronghold in the House!

    Please redirect all of your calls onto our house targets. Please implement new messages now being added at the top of our list!

    Everyone, let's go after the HOUSE. They vote at 6:30pm (estimated) Eastern and if we hit them with enough calls, to the right offices, with the right messages we may be able to stop this Amnesty push!

    Yes, I am ready to help ALIPAC challenge Amnesty with calls to the HOUSE at this link....

    To the HOUSE!

    The ALIPAC Team

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Well the house passed it was tucked into the year 2011 funding it is up to the Senate....

    S 510 Food Safety bill is still alive and may unleash a new army of FDA agents
    Thursday, December 09, 2010
    by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
    Editor of (See all articles...)
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    (NaturalNews) The U.S. government wants to know where your greenhouse is. Under Senate Bill 510 -- which is now back in the hands of the U.S. Senate after the House hid an amendment in an appropriations bill and passed it last night -- American food producers would be required to register their facilities with the U.S. government. The feds, it seems, want a database of food growers so they know who to target for surprise inspections (show me your papers!).

    As stated in the bill itself: (


    "The registration shall contain an assurance that the Secretary will be permitted to inspect such facility at the times and in the manner permitted by this Act."

    What this language shows is that the point of registration is so that government agents can conduct surprise inspections of food facilities. At least 4,000 new FDA agents will need to be hired if this bill becomes law, greatly expanding the FDA's agent presence in much the same way the TSA expanded over the last few years.

    Kangaroo courts for violators
    Once an FDA inspection occurs, if the government believes the food grower is producing anything that might pose a risk to the public (and note carefully that "belief" is the only thing required, not actual scientific evidence of harm), that food grower is then "suspended" from producing food.

    After that, they get dragged into a kangaroo FDA court where a panel of FDA officials then decides their fate. This takes place with no due process, no attorney, no Constitutional protections and no rights whatsoever. This is, in every sense, a "King's court" where the King can simply decide that you're guilty and put you out of business.

    Here's the language in the S.510 legislation:

    "(2) HEARING ON SUSPENSION. - The Secretary shall provide the registrant subject to an order under paragraph (1) with an opportunity for an informal hearing, to be held as soon as possible but not later than 2 business days after the issuance of the order or such other time period, as agreed upon by the Secretary and the registrant, on the actions required for reinstatement of registration and why the registration that is subject to suspension should be reinstated. The Secretary shall reinstate a registration if the Secretary determines, based on evidence presented, that adequate grounds do not exist to continue the suspension of the registration."

    Did you read this carefully? It means the Secretary (a bureaucrat) gets to decide who can grow food and who can't. This is the FDA's kangaroo court, much like the FTC's kangaroo court that's currently being used to destroy companies offering nutritional supplements and natural cancer cures.

    Remember, too, the bill abandoned actual science and now relies entirely on the FDA's "belief" to determine which foods to recall:

    23 (a) IN GENERAL. - Section 304(h)(1)(A) (21 U.S.C.24 334(h)(1)(A)) is amended by
    (1) striking ''credible evidence or information indicating'' and inserting ''reason to believe'';

    FDA tyranny is on the rise
    So essentially what we have here is a food tyranny bill that would hand a group of un-elected bureaucrats who answer to no one the power to control virtually the entire U.S. food supply. This is an agency, by the way, that is already responsible for the deaths of millions of Americans (

    This is an agency that has participated in armed raids against natural product companies (

    To all those who say "S. 510 is no big deal, the FDA won't abuse its power, this is just about safety" -- I say you have no grasp of the history of tyranny. The FDA has virtually never taken action to protect the People. Its actions have consistently been shaped to maximize the profits of the powerful corporations even at the expense of human lives.

    Just read the history of Vioxx if you need a refresher on that point (

    That the U.S. Congress would now seek to hand over control of our food supply to this dangerous, rogue government agency is an obscene betrayal of the American people. This is precisely why we must stand up and fight S.510 once again to defeat it in the Senate where it is now schedule for yet another vote. (Like a bad case of herpes, this bill just won't die, it seems...)

    Sign the petition at:

    Once again, CALL your representatives in the House and the Senate. You can reach the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for your representatives by name.

    By the way, just for the record, I am appalled at the lack of action on this item by some so-called "health freedom" organizations which appear to be doing absolutely nothing to rally opposition to this bill. A few groups are fighting hard to oppose it (NaturalNews,, Natural Solutions Foundation, etc.) but there are several which appear to be sitting on the sidelines, doing nothing. I'm not sure why. This is precisely the kind of issue that should have the entire health freedom community up in arms to protect our food freedoms.

    Robert Scott Bell gets it, by the way. So do the Vitamin Lawyer (Ralph Fucetola) and health freedom attorneys like James Turner and Jonathan Emord. All the freedom-oriented people seem to understand how crucial this is to maintain our food freedoms and keep the FDA out of our farms as much as possible. If you think the FDA is bad now, just wait until they are granted yet more powers (and funding) to unleash an army of thousands of new agents who sweep across America, raiding small family farms (no, they're not all exempted from this bill) and imprisoning raw milk producers.

    The FDA is about to become the SS of food fascism. This is not an exaggeration. Who would have thought, five years ago, that the TSA would be reaching down your pants and feeling your genitals? Just imagine now what the FDA will do with similar powers over your food and farms. Crudely put, the TSA may be feeling your junk, but the FDA will have us all by the balls.

    Take action now to protect your food freedoms (or you will forever lose them).

    Articles Related to This Article:
    • Senate Bill 510 Food Safety? The FDA has killed far more people than contaminated eggs or lettuce

    • Top ten lies about Senate Bill 510

    • (Part I) The FDA is a clearing house for the Food and Drug Corruption

    • (Part II) The FDA is a clearing house for Food and Drug Corruption

    • Feds reject complaints of FDA misconduct in medical device approvals

    • Senate Bill 510 vote delayed until after Thanksgiving - Take action now to oppose food tyranny

    Related video from NaturalNews.TV

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    About the author: Mike Adams is a consumer health advocate and award-winning journalist with a passion for sharing empowering information to help improve personal and planetary health He has authored and published thousands of articles, interviews, consumers guides, and books on topics like health and the environment, impacting the lives of millions of readers around the world who are experiencing phenomenal health benefits from reading his articles. Adams is an honest, independent journalist and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products he writes about or the companies he promotes. In 2010, Adams created NaturalNews.TV, a natural living video sharing site featuring thousands of user videos on foods, fitness, green living and more. He also launched an online retailer of environmentally-friendly products ( and uses a portion of its profits to help fund non-profit endeavors. He's also the founder and CEO of a well known email mail merge software developer whose software, 'Email Marketing Director,' currently runs the NaturalNews email subscriptions. Adams also serves as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a non-profit consumer protection group, and regularly pursues cycling, nature photography, Capoeira and Pilates. He's also author a large number of health books offered by Truth Publishing and is the creator of numerous reference website including and the free downloadable Honest Food Guide. His websites also include the free reference sites and Adams believes in free speech, free access to nutritional supplements and the innate healing ability of the human body

    Learn more: ... z17cbcElci ... l_FDA.html


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Humpty Dumpty Rhyme

    This is the genetically modified version of the Humpty Dumpty rhyme as imagined by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. See more at ... E3A6356F20

    Humpty Dumpty
    Humpty Dumpty stars in genetically modified nursery rhyme
    Wednesday, December 08, 2010
    by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
    Editor of (See all articles...)
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    (NaturalNews) We've just released a hilarious new Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme that calls attention to the dangers of genetically modified foods. The short video is available now at NaturalNews.TV:

    The video is the first in a new series of videos called 'Genetically Modified Rhymes' available at

    Created by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, this new Humpty Dumpty video takes a humorous look at a serious topic: The dangers of "playing God" with the food supply.

    "We created this video to give parents and educators a kid-friendly way to communicate a serious message about the dangers of genetically modified foods," said Adams, who also created the super-popular "Just Say No to GMOs" music video which has now been viewed by over half a million people on NaturalNews.TV and YouTube:

    To watch the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme video, visit:

    Please share the video play page with your friends on Facebook and Twitter to help spread the word about the dangers of GMOs.

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    • Genetically Modified Potatoes: Scientists Unleash New Monster

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    • Questioning Genetically Modified Foods - with Jeffrey Smith on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour

    • Just Say No to GMO music video features Health Ranger rapping about dangers of genetically modified foods

    Related video from NaturalNews.TV

    Your NaturalNews.TV video could be here.
    Upload your own videos at NaturalNews.TV (FREE)

    About the author: Mike Adams is a natural health researcher, author and award-winning journalist with a mission to teach personal and planetary health to the public He is a prolific writer and has published thousands of articles, interviews, reports and consumer guides, impacting the lives of millions of readers around the world who are experiencing phenomenal health benefits from reading his articles. Adams is an honest, independent journalist and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products he writes about or the companies he promotes. In mid 2010, Adams produced NaturalNews.TV, a natural health video sharing website offering user-generated videos on nutrition, green living, fitness and more. He's also a successful software entrepreneur, having founded a well known email marketing software company whose technology currently powers the NaturalNews email newsletters. Adams volunteers his time to serve as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and pursues hobbies such as martial arts, Capoeira, nature macrophotography and organic gardening. Known on the 'net as 'the Health Ranger,' Adams shares his ethics, mission

    Learn more: ... z17cd5zaqG


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