Ten Questions Jay Leno Could Have Asked Barack Obama

When Billy Mays died suddenly and very unexpectedly in 2009, the world lost a great pitchman, and it was clear very quickly that he would not be easy to replace. We’ve got the guy with the Australian (or is British?) accent. There was also the “Shamwow!” guy, but unfortunately, he wasn’t able to capitalize on the opening left by Mr. Mays in 2009 because that was the same year that he got arrested after an altercation with a tongue-biting prostitute. Fortunately, though, I think the world may have found the perfect new spokes-model and infomercial host, and the great news is that this guy, who has had a long, successful television career is about ready to retire, and will probably be looking for a new gig.

Of course, I speak of Tonight Show host Jay Leno, who auditioned for the position of “America’s Number One Infomercial Announcer,” during Tuesday night’s interview with our Celebrity-in-Chief, Barack Obama.

You’ve no doubt seen Jay’s hilarious “Jaywalking” segments, in which he visits popular tourist locations and does “Man (or Woman) on the Street” interviews with dolts who can’t answer very simple questions about politics, government, geography or even popular culture. These are the people who were rejected for Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? because most fifth graders can rub two brain cells together to produce something resembling a coherent thought, and they obviously can’t.
How can I put this? If brains were dynamite, these people couldn’t blow their noses. Plus, most of fifth graders, even in government schools, know how to read. With these people, it’s not clear that they have mastered that reading thing. Imagine someone so uninformed that he can’t name the first president of the United States, or imagine an Obama voter. Ah, I repeat myself.
In the last couple of weeks, some of Barack Obama’s critics have been cheered by the fact that Jay and other late night comedians have been telling a lot of jokes about the president. On Tuesday night, when Barack, as I’m sure Jay calls him, appeared on Tonight Show for the sixth time, this dynamic duo left no doubt that Jay is as much in the tank for the Left’s biggest man-crush in American history as he ever was.
Jay made a point of asking all the previously scripted questions, which sounded like they were written by Valerie Jarrett, so that Barack would have the chance to deliver his well-rehearsed lines. There was no TelePrompTer in sight, so that must have been one long rehearsal! The questions were lame and the answers were more lame.
Rather than questions about Trayvon Martin, giving the One a chance to once again use this tragedy to enhance his political fortunes with one of his mascot groups, let me suggest a few substantive questions that Jay might have asked, that is, if he were actually interested in getting to the truth rather than being a cringe-inducing shill.
1. Over the last couple of weeks, you have made many references to the need to move beyond “phony scandals.” What specifically do you mean by that?
2. Where were you during the Benghazi attack?
3. Why did you and Hillary Clinton claim for weeks that the murder of four Americans in Benghazi was caused by a YouTube video that no one saw or even heard of until you sent Susan Rice on five Sunday shows to make that ridiculous assertion?

4. Last May, when we learned that the IRS has been bullying American citizens trying to exercise their First Amendment rights, you said that the misconduct uncovered was “inexcusable.” What has your administration done to express your displeasure with the officials involved?

5. Has anyone been fired as a result of the IRS misconduct?

6. Is IRS senior official Lois Lerner, the one who headed the division that engaged in that unacceptable misconduct, going to stay on paid leave indefinitely?
7. Speaking of the IRS, recently the acting chief of the IRS, Daniel Werful, told a House committee that he would prefer to keep his current health care plan rather than switch to one from the Affordable Care Act exchanges. Since the IRS is the agency charged with enforcing Obamacare, how do you explain the fact that officials in that agency think Obamacare is good enough for others but not for Mr. Werfel and other IRS employees?
8. Recently, your administration delayed the Obamacare employer mandate for one year. How can you decide to enforce only certain parts of duly-enacted legislation, which you have signed?
9. Some have suggested that this delay is designed to prevent Obamacare from having the effect in the 2014 mid-term election that it had in 2010; that is, destroying any hope of Democrat victories in most Congressional districts. Is that true?
10. Like you, your Attorney General, Eric Holder, is historic. He is the first AG to be held in contempt of Congress for stonewalling requests about his changing stories about his disastrous “Fast and Furious” scheme. Do you agree with Mr. Holder’s withholding information from Congress? Have you expressed an opinion to him about whether or not he should cooperate? If so, what did you tell him? If not, why haven’t you spoken to him about it?
I’m under no illusions about having these questions answered, but I can dream, can’t I?
Image: President Barack Obama with Jay Leno off set of The Tonight Show, 3/19/09; source: originally posted to Flickr as P031909PS-0533 The Official White House Photostream; author: White House (Pete Souza); public domain
