May 13, 2011

Democratic Sen. Herb Kohl to retire

11:00 AMPrint Share By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY
Updated at 11:30 a.m. ET

Herb Kohl of Wisconsin is going to announce today that he'll retire from the U.S. Senate, a Democratic source said.

The source asked for anonymity to not pre-empt Kohl's announcement, expected at noon today.

Kohl would become the sixth member of his party not to seek re-election next year, giving Republicans another pickup opportunity in the battle for the majority.

But GOP Gov. Scott Walker's handling of legislation that strips public employees of their bargaining rights has emboldened Democrats in Wisconsin, who have several current or former elected office holders likely interested in running for Kohl's seat.

Republicans need a net gain of four seats to win the Senate majority.

"Senator Kohl's retirement, just like his Democrat colleagues who stepped aside before him, immediately presents another key opportunity for Senate Republicans next year. It also further dilutes the ability of national Democrats to go on offense, while they fight to maintain their dwindling Senate majority," said Brian Walsh of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. ... -senate-/1