What about Chicago politics benefits the people first?

Playing Chicago Games With The Olympics

By Bob Parks
Thursday, October 1, 2009

The question is being asked: with all that’s going on in the world, why is so important that President Obama go to Copenhagen and personally lobby for a Chicago Olympics?

imageNow, I’ve just received an email that’s a bit dated. I can’t verify the accuracy, but I’m just throwing it out there because much of it makes sense.

Remember a while back, I told you word on the street was… that Obama was picked to run BECAUSE of the Olympics. Obama had his sights set on Chicago Mayor slot, to run against Mayor Daley and follow in the footsteps of Harold Washington. Daley wouldn’t have that and said ‘run for Pres’.

All the big players on the Chicago Olympic committee were the big money players behind Obama’s campaign and many now “czarsâ€