Thanks Obamacare! Democrats Generic Polling Loss Of 10% In Last Month, GOP Now Ahead

On November 26, 2013

If polling is any reliable measure of Americans’ political attitudes, then the Obamacare stumble-out has been an unmitigated disaster for the Democrats for 2014, and maybe to 2016.

In a new CNN/ORC poll of the generic ballot, Democrats have lost ten points in just one month, giving the edge to the GOP for the 2014 midterm elections. That’s gonna be sore in the morning.
Even still, the Democrats have incredibly made gains among minorities and the poor:
“It looks like the biggest shifts toward the Republicans came among white voters, higher-income Americans, and people who live in rural areas, while Democrats have gained strength in the past month among some of their natural constituencies, such as non-white voters and lower-income Americans,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

Whatever solidifying of the base they have had was not enough to overcome the negative turn of Americans against Obama. Just yesterday, CNN released polling of Obama’s personal favorability, which have also plummeted as 53% of Americans believe he is not trustworthy or honest, and 56% say he is not an admirable person.

With numbers like these, it’s no wonder that batboy snubbed Obama’s request for a photo op on Monday.

Now it remains to be seen if the filibuster “nuclear option” and the Iran capitulation were able to further strengthen far left voters, or if the White House and it’s sycophantic media lackeys succeeded in distracting the general population as well.