Three Cheers for "40 or 50 Chuckleheads"...RINOs are Worse Than Worthless

Posted by TM on December 21, 2012 at 1:07pm
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HUGE day yesterday!! And, all in all, a very good one for America and Conservative principles.

At the risk of taking too much of your time with too many words, I think it’s very important to recap what happened yesterday, and to examine the impact that many of you (most, perhaps) had on those events. This will be long, but please hang in there because I think it’s important that WE recognize the facts in play since the MSM will never “report” them to us.

Boehner has been “hornswoggled” repeatedly by Obama, Reid and the Left in the past. When the debt ceiling was last increased, Boehner got the votes to increase it and in exchange, he got a “promise” from the Dems that “during this term of Congress” that body would make serious efforts to cut spending, reform entitlements and reform the Tax Code. NONE of that happened. In fact, current year spending increased by even more than was anticipated to be spent at the time!

Last December, when the payroll tax cut was holding Congress hostage, Boehner agreed (and got the votes needed from the House Rs) to extend the cut and what was offered in exchange? The Congress would, in the coming year (2012) take up serious proposals on spending cuts, entitlement and tax reform, and whatever other steps could be taken to slow the growth in the national debt!!! Again, Boehner was outplayed (sorry for the analogy, because this is NOT a game).

So, Boehner has a long history of being a patsy for the Left. But, this time, it would be different. Yeah, right! To confirm our own opinions and feelings about the “fiscal cliff” and the implications it will have, it’s advisable for us to understand the facts the MSM won’t tell us about surrounding the plans and bills that have been on the floor of the House this week. So with that:

After talking and strategizing with many TEA party and other conservative group organizers from all across the Country, we agreed on, not just the facts in play, but also on a strategy to put the brakes on Boehner and the RINOs. Our plan involved contacting our respective Congressional reps beginning last week and telling them we sent them to DC for a specific reason (to reduce the size and spending of the federal Mafia) and that WE ARE WATCHING THEM, THEIR ACTIONS AND THEIR VOTES! The plan was to try to get as many of our group’s members to contact the offices of the reps BEFORE anything was brought to the floor for a vote.

At the heart of our argument was one simple principle: TAXES CANNOT GO UP ON ANYONE UNTIL AND UNLESS THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT SERIOUS SPENDING CUT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY TAX INCREASE! The definition of serious and significant is OUR definition…not Washington’s. To qualify, the cuts must be large enough to matter, must not include additional defense spending cuts, and must be IMMEDIATE.

Politicians, especially the Ds and the RINOs, are notorious for announcing “spending cuts that will reduce spending by $x billions over the next ten years”. Almost always, though, those spending cuts are scheduled to take place in the “far-out years”, i.e., in this ten year budget cycle, that would mean that most such proposed cuts would actually take effect from 2018 through 2021.


There were two bills of note set to go to the floor for a vote yesterday:

HR-6684- “The Federal Spending Reduction Act of 2012”- This was truly a bill that would have reduced federal spending in many areas that are highly galling to conservatives. It would have cut the appropriation for food stamps, would have cut the appropriation for funding of the Obamacare bureaucracy, cut the appropriation for the Consumer Finance bureaucracy (Dodd-Frank enforcement), and a number of other wasteful spending programs that the federal government has no business or authority to be involved in anyway. As I read the bill, I calculated that this bill would have reduced total spending for FY 2013 by around $75 billion, more or less.

While that sounds like a big number, it represents only around 1.8% of the total 2013 federal spending…not nearly enough, but at least it would be the first legitimate effort at passing spending reductions since Obama disgraced the White House.

As significantly, the last section (706) of the bill stated unequivocally that any order of sequestration (gutting the DoD budget) issued by the President would have NO FORCE OR EFFECT IN LAW”. I easily found myself in full support of this bill!

We have to be pragmatic since nothing is passed unless Harry “the Dwarf” Reid gives it his blessing.

Clearly, he would never have brought 6684 to the Senate floor unless the conservatives and RINO made SOME KIND OF CONCESSION on tax hikes.

So…most Conservatives would have been willing to permit taxes to increase on individuals making over $1 million a year.

Not desirable, but in the interest of compromise (and to get 6684 passed in the Senate), Conservatives should have held their noses and voted on that.

That is pretty much what Plan B being pushed by Boehner involved.

Raise taxes on over $1 million…but Plan B addressed spending cuts just like the RINO had done in December of 2011 and in June 2012…promises to “explore” spending cuts and deficit reduction… IN THE FUTURE!!

Many Conservatives have been asked why they objected to Plan B, and THAT is the answer.

WE GIVE ON TAX INCREASES AND IN EXCHANGE WE GET…oh let’s see…the opportunity to see Boehner, Cantor, McCarthy, Reid, and Obama jump in front of a camera and gush congratulations upon themselves for, yet again, saving the Nation from ruin.

Seriously folks, over the past three years I’ve spent enough time actually talking to a large number of DC elected and I am not exaggerating this.

They would have gone home for the holidays feeling like they were the greatest things since sliced bread.

A main problem in DC government is that by and large, none of these morons understand the difference between ACTIVITY and ACCOMPLISHMENT.

In the leadership circle of the RINOs it is more important to “get a deal” than it is to “accomplish something productive and helpful”. If you understand a lot about TARP, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

In their disconnected eyes (they DO live in an alternate universe in Washington), a “deal” is the objective.

A crappy deal is better than no deal to them.

That was the sheet music until we sent to Washington a small bunch of Conservative TEA Party type Congressman and Congresswomen.

When Boehner cancelled the vote on Plan B it was because he simply couldn’t bring it to a vote unless he was positive that he had the votes for passage.

When he didn’t have those votes, he called an immediate Republican Caucus meeting and you can bet your last dollar that all of the Conservative opposition was “whipped”.

There’s a reason the second in command in the House is called the Majority Whip.

I can only imagine the withering attack that these principled Conservatives were forced to endure.

They stood up and took the beating.

Their actions are the reason that we Conservatives don’t feel this morning like we were sold out.

At the time I am writing this, I am still trying to determine whether Congressman Palazzo was one of the Conservative opponents or whether he was prepared to vote for this sellout bill.

Despite being uncertain at this point, I will make every effort to find out. The ultimate answer to this question is perhaps the most important litmus test that our Congressman has faced since his election.

I last spoke with Rep. Palazzo shortly before the vote on Plan B was scheduled to pass on to him my real worst fear about what was happening at that time.

My reservations apparently turned out to be unfounded, but I was deeply concerned that the RINO leadership would pass HR-6684 simply to gain the support of the TEA Party members to persuade them to approve Plan B.

Had these two bills been passed separately, my fear was that they would both go to Harry the Dwarf…he would pass Plan B along with the tax increase and no spending cuts…and HR-6684 would never see the light of day.

In light of this, I suggested to Steve’s office that a better plan would be to bring up 6684 and then amend it to include the tax increase on over $1 million. In that way, If Reid really wanted the tax increase, he would have to take with it at least some immediate spending cuts.

The Left, with the questionable assistance of their propaganda arms, the MSM, have for months been trying to frighten the American people into doing anything and everything to avoid the “fiscal cliff”…even if that meant caving to the Administration’s efforts to increase taxes on the “successful” (note that I didn’t say wealthy) while ignoring spending cuts.

Because of the way the media has reported the fiscal cliff most Americans probably feel like jumping off the cliff would be the end of the world.

The fact is, IT IS NOT!!!

The “cliff” technically refers to the possible inability of the United States to continue to borrow trillions of dollars to pay for its corrupt and profligate spending.

The issue of increasing taxes on Americans, successful or middle class, is not really a relevant factor in the fiscal cliff discussion.

Boiled down, the fiscal cliff is the Country’s inability to maintain its credit status and continue to borrow trillions of dollars.

The Left has interwoven the tax issue into the discussion of the cliff by alleging that not raising taxes will dramatically affect the government’s ability to borrow the money it needs. Misdirection at its most extreme.

That fact is, the Left is less concerned purely about our borrowing ability than it is about the GOVERNMENT’S ABILITY TO SPEND! As evidence, if all Americans making over $1 million were taxed at 100%, those additional taxes would fund ONLY ELEVEN DAYS OF GOVERNMENT’S SPENDING!

Yes, the cliff IS approaching, and avoidance of it is so simple a third grader could get it (even though the Progressives cannot). IT’S SPENDING STUPID!

Around March, we are going to yet again reach the debt ceiling and be told that it simply must be raised…again.

And, if it is raised, this will avert the fiscal cliff?

Hell NO, it won’t.

The question of whether the US government has the legal authority to borrow money is NOT the premise of the fiscal cliff. The premise is whether or not the government can EVER repay the debt it has incurred.

Again, a very simple answer. No, we will never be able to service that debt unless and until Washington gets it through their apparently thick skulls that they can tax as much as they can, until spending is reduced to levels supported by our taxes, we will remain on that abyss.

To put this into perspective, in Ronald Reagan’s last year in office, the entire federal budget was around $1.8 trillion…that’s every penny spent by Washington.

For last year, the government’s DEFICIT was around $1.4 trillion.

The 2012 spending IN EXCESS OF ALL GOVERNMENT REVENUES (the shortfall) was almost as much as the entire spending of Reagan’s government in 1988.

Three Cheers for "40 or 50 Chuckleheads"...RINOs are Worse Than Worthless - Patriot Action Network