LA law enforcement quelled civil rioting by celebrators of the LA Lakers win the NBA title Thursday night, June 17, 2010. Video footage and pictures of the rioting indicate a significant hispanic presence in the riots which involved smashing windows, looting, destroying property, attacking vehicles and in some cases their occupants.

NBC News article: NBA Title Becomes Excuse To Act Stupid

"I give the game a 10, I give the celebration about a five," LAPD Chief Charlie Beck said. "We still have incidents with people coming in from the outside, vandalizing, taking over intersections, throwing rocks and bottles at police officers.

"As a matter of fact, we have a police officer injured with a broken nose from an object thrown. We've made multiple arrests, we used overwhelming force, we had a maximum number of police officers deployed here to clear out the crowds around Staples Center, and we're still in the process of doing that."

Photos from NBC's website show Hispanic rioters carrying the national flag of Mexico.

