Today In History – The Massacre at Wounded Knee (Video)

By Steve Straub On December 29, 2013 · 116 Comments · In Current Events

Site of the last official battle in the Indians wars, Wounded Knee Creek was a convenient place for the Seventh Cavalry to disarm Big Foot’s band during the Lakota Ghost Dance “uprising” in 1890.

But then a shot rang out which resulted in the 7th Cavalry’s opening fire indiscriminately from all sides, killing men, women, and children, as well as some of their own fellow soldiers.

By the time it was over, at least 150 men, women, and children of the Lakota had been killed and 51 wounded; some estimates placed the number of dead at 300. Twenty-five soldiers also died, and 39 were wounded (6 of the wounded would later die).