Tom Delay – proud 'birther'

'Constitution specifically says you have to be natural born citizen'

Posted: August 19, 2009
8:24 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay pulled no punches on Chris Matthews "Hardball"show on MSNBC today when asked if he is a "birther."

"Well, I’d like the president to produce his birth certificate," said DeLay. "I can. Most illegal aliens here in America can. Why can't the president of the United States produce his birth certificate? ... Chris, will you do me a favor? Will you ask the president to show me his gift certificate — I mean, his birth certificate?"

DeLay's outspokenness on the subject stands in stark contrast to any current member of Congress.

Tom DeLay questions whether Obama was born in the U.S. ... r_embedded

Implying Barack Obama is being unfairly singled out for questioning on the issue, Matthews asked DeLay whether anyone has asked him for proof of his birthplace, DeLay responded, "The Democrats sued me for being a resident of Texas. That's just like asking me for my birth certificate."

"Chris, the Constitution of the United States specifically says you have to be a natural born citizen," DeLay said.

"I know," Matthews responded. "But I’ve never asked you for yours."

"Ask me!" DeLay responded. "I’ll give it to you!"

Matthews said seeing a birth announcement in the Honolulu newspapers was enough to convince him of Obama's birth in Hawaii.

"Newspapers!" responded DeLay. "Is a newspaper article an official document?"

"No, it's not," conceded Matthews. "It's just common sense that we’re talking about here. Common sense."

"There isn't anybody in America that's been born in America that didn't get a birth certificate at Obama's age," said DeLay. "Maybe at my age there are people born out in — "

DeLay was forced out of office by a series of investigations by Democratic leadership. He is on a media tour promoting his appearance on "Dancing With the Stars."