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Thread: Tom Donahue Warns President Trump Against Trade Action Toward China

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  1. #1
    Super Moderator GeorgiaPeach's Avatar
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    Tom Donahue Warns President Trump Against Trade Action Toward China

    Tom Donohue Warns President Trump Against Trade Action Toward China…

    March 16, 2018 by sundance

    U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue is warning President Trump not to take any trade action against China or he will unleash his purchased control agents within congress and financial media to destroy his presidency.

    Donahue takes-in hundreds of millions in payments from multinational corporations who hold a vested interest in keeping the U.S. manufacturing economy subservient to China. The U.S. CoC then turns those corporate funds into lobbyist payments to DC politicians for legislative action that benefits their Chinese trade deals. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the #1 lobbyist in DC; there are trillions at stake.

    Wall Street’s famous CONservative mouthpieces then take their cues from Donohue and decry any Trump trade policy that might impact their multinational benefactors. They hide behind catch phrases like “free trade”, or “free markets”. However, what they are really hiding is the truth, there is no free market – it is a controlled market. It’s a circle of trade and economic propaganda driven by the most well known guests that appear on Fox News. Ben Shapiro is one such example; there are hundreds more.

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The head of the most influential U.S. business lobbying group warned the Trump administration that unilateral tariffs on Chinese goods could lead to a destructive trade war that will hurt American consumers and U.S. economic growth.

    U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Thomas Donohue said in a statement on Thursday that such tariffs, associated with a probe of China’s intellectual property practices, would be “damaging taxes on American consumers.”

    His comments came after White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said that Trump would in coming weeks get options to address China’s “theft and forced transfer” of American intellectual property as part of the investigation under Section 301 of the U.S. Trade Act of 1974.

    Reuters reported on Tuesday that Trump was considering tariffs on up to $60 billion worth of Chinese information technology, telecommunications and consumer products, along with U.S. investment restrictions for Chinese companies.

    Donohue said the Trump administration was right to focus on the negative economic impact of China’s industrial policies and unfair trade practices, but said tariffs were the wrong approach to dealing with these.
    “Tariffs of $30 billion a year would wipe out over a third of the savings American families received from the doubling of the standard deduction in tax reform,” Donohue said. “If the tariffs reach $60 billion, which has been rumored, the impact would be even more devastating.”

    He urged the administration not to proceed with such a plan.

    “Tariffs could lead to a destructive trade war with serious consequences for U.S. economic growth and job creation,” hurting consumers, businesses, farmers and ranchers.

    In Beijing, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said Donohue’s comments were correct, adding that recently more and more American intellectuals had made their rational voices heard. (read more)

    We have consistently stated the #1 reason for opposition to President Trump is financial (ie. economic); “There are Trillions at stake“.

    Everyone admits the past 40+ years of U.S. trade deals have resulted in the massive export of U.S. wealth via jobs and manufacturing gains within other nations. The financial beneficiaries of those prior trade positions were: Wall Street, multinational corporations and multinational banks.

    The losers of all prior trade priorities was the U.S. middle-class. This point is inarguable, just look around. Stop the nonsense and quit listening to those who control the markets.

    So ask yourself, friends and family this very important question:

    If prior U.S. trade policies resulted in the export and redistribution of U.S. wealth… What happens when you reverse the process?

    In the answer to that question you discover the opposition to U.S. President Trump.

    For those who follow closely the strongest argument against the U.S. trade and economic policies of the past 30 years has been the outcome. We don’t need to guess what the pro’s and con’s of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce position is, we are living them. We don’t need to guess what the Wall Street economy delivers, we are living through them.

    For the past 30 years the U.S. has lost jobs, wages have been depressed, and the middle-class has suffered through the implementation of economic trade policy that destroyed the U.S. manufacturing base. None of this is in question – the results stare us in the face – yet the Wall Street and multinational corporate club(s) [U.S. CoC chief among them] now demand a continuance of the same.

    The economic and trade policies of the Trump administration are adverse to those interests. As we have shared for several years, candidate Trump, now President Trump is an existential threat to the multinational program.

    All opposition to President Trump is about the underlying financial and economic policy of America-First. There are trillions at stake.
    Those who have read here will note the media are generally oblivious to America-First economic policies; this includes the financial media.
    As an example is the misleading information about how Steel/Aluminum tariffs would work. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross stated clearly exactly how the Steel and Aluminum policy would be carried out; yet for the financial media they claim the action would be something entirely different. The level of intellectual dishonesty is off-the-charts.

    The truth is: •Point #1 – the media don’t want to know any alternative; they are committed to retaining all prior policy. •Point #2 – there’s almost no-one within the professional economic punditry class who have ever given thought to what happens during the space between two fundamentally different economic policies as executed.

    What happens in the space between taking the U.S. economy off the path of ‘service-driven-globalism’, and reasserting the economy back to a balanced ‘production-based national economy’? None of the key participants within the larger discussion have ever contemplated this dynamic.

    CTH is one of the few, perhaps the only source, who has gamed-out MAGAnomics.

    Allow me to re-emphasize:

    All opposition to President Trump stems from the underlying financial and economic policy. All opposition is about money!

    When you ask the “why” question five times you end up discovering the financial motive for all opposition. It doesn’t matter who the group is; the opposition is ultimately about money. There are trillions at stake.

    When Main Street economic principles are applied Wall Street will initially lose. There’s no way for this not to happen. Most of Wall Street is built on the Multinational platform of economic globalism. Weaken the grip of the multinational corporations and financial interests on the U.S. economy and Wall Street will drop… this is not difficult to predict. This is also necessary.

    U.S. stocks, centered around U.S. domestic companies, will go up. U.S. stocks, centered around multinational companies, will go down.
    As Secretary Wilbur Ross, U.S.T.R. Robert Lighthizer and U.S. President Trump have previously affirmed, they are going to restore the U.S. manufacturing and production economy -OR- lose office trying.

    The U.S. Steel and Aluminum tariffs are just one component of the larger economic issue. Bringing back U.S. production on those sectors is vital to the infrastructure of a manufacturing and production economy.

    Additional steps will come from exits of NAFTA and renegotiated trade deals with ASEAN nations, China and Europe. We either have a stable broad-base economy, or we follow the former path and eventually lose the country.

    On the specifics of inflation, we have discussed this issue at great length. As stated three years ago, inflation will happen within this cycle –especially in the space between the policy as constructed– however, it will not affect the larger economic restoration because the growth of U.S. wages will exceed the rising prices of durable goods…. ANDsimultaneously energy prices and high-consumable goods’ prices (food, fuel) will drop. [Exit NAFTA and U.S. food prices will drop 25% within a year]

    In this transitional phase (the space between) wage growth will remain ahead of aggregate inflation. No former economic models have any way to measure or gauge this dynamic. We have never been between two entirely different sets of economic policy before. No amount of immediate fed monetary policy will effect what happens on Main Street in this “space between” the two economies.

    Last edited by GeorgiaPeach; 03-16-2018 at 09:41 PM.
    Matthew 19:26
    But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2012
    Hey, US Chamber of Commerce, haven't you been pushing for the hiring of illegals for a decade now? C of C you have been a major enabler of driving wages down for American citizens while committing crimes against our laws.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    The US Chamber of Commerce is an anti-American globalist organization that is willing to destroy our country to meet its objectives. That is not the type of business most Americans want to support or do support. You go against this President who is trying to fix our country and you and your attack dogs will be the losers, not him. Why? Because he is US.

    You may win California and even New York. But you won't win the 30 states that made this man President. Why? Because Trump Supporters are rock solid and market wise. Why? Because we ARE the market, you bloviating idiots.

    You can take your imported crap from China or anywhere else for that matter and stick it where the sun don't shine. Why? Because Americans aren't going to pay the tariffs, because we won't buy your nauseating imported crap to begin with. We'll buy American or save our money. Why? Because we're fixing our country, by all means necessary, whatever it takes, which means you make it over there, you sell it over there.
    Last edited by Judy; 03-16-2018 at 10:07 PM.
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