And Not For ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, do as other groups do and have a Million Anti-Illegal March?
Has something like this already been tried?
Why can't we have a say by Voting?
Why do we have to put up with FORCED Bills that the Congress keep trying to ram down my throat, like it or not?
Seems like every month there is something new to watch the Congress vote on, but why can't we vote?
I don't have a problem with finding out what registered voters think about all these different Amnesty Bills mean to them.
I would like so much to see what the 'Popular' Vote on all these different attempts to accept Amnesty whether we like it or not.
McCain. Oh, I just cannot vote for him. He is ill. Something is wrong with this man. Seriously.
All the top 3 Candidates don't care about the majority of Americans and what we think and feel about what they will be doing to us in early 09'.
I can see that all 3 will pass, if possible, a Red Carpet Shamnesty Bill.
They will say, "It may not be what you want, but it is good for you". Like we are children that have to swallow CastorOil because they think it's good for us, but we don't like or want it.
This all seems so sick.
1) You, all you Americans and non-Americans MUST accept Amnesty, like it or not. And there's NUTTIN' you can do about it, so there..
2) Nope. Can't Vote on Amnesty, too bad.
3) Your really gonna' like 20 million, plus the 20j million's family waiting to get in, plus 20 more million that will just walk in.
4) We are NOT going to Fund the Fence because we don't want too. Even though President Bush signed it into law, we will not continue to build the Fence.
5) We don't want to enforce the laws we have. But if you are a legal citizen of the US we will, for sure, bust you for anything YOU do wrong and send you to jail and make you pay alot, Just Not the Illegal Immigrants, Nope, We Don't Want Too.
Why can't anything be done to take control of OUR Country, before it's re-named Aztlan America?