Van Jones out, Glenn reacts
September 8, 2009 - 12:30 ET

GLENN: Now here's what's interesting. You're never going to be able to get the truth because nobody in the media is covering the truth or covering they don't even under they don't even begin to understand you. They don't even they have no clue as to who you are or how you feel. I mean, let's take a look at this. Just in case your only source of news is ABC, CBS, and NBC or the New York Times or the Washington Post or as the White House was hoping you were out doing things over the long weekend with your family, you didn't check the news at all, which was released after midnight on Sunday, so it wouldn't be in any papers, the green jobs czar, special advisor to the president, Van Jones, has resigned. My phone and my e mail and Twitter hammered all weekend long, people offering congratulations. Congratulations on what? First of all, let me say something. I'm not the one. I mean, it's amazing to me how these leftwing blogs are tearing me down saying how much I'm an idiot and everything else and then giving me all the power that I had the president fold on the special advisor to the I was the idiot, the nincompoop, the boob, the guy who can't spell.

PAT: That guy, the bully.

GLENN: The bully.

PAT: You bullied the White House.

GLENN: I bullied the most powerful man on the planet. I bullied the president. Wow. How that's pretty good for an idiot, isn't it? I'm neither an idiot, nor the leader of any movement. I'm an American who happens to have a job just like other Americans. Mine just happens to be connected to a microphone.

I could go on and on and on, but if you don't care, if you don't get it, if it doesn't connect with you, if it doesn't connect with the American people, it doesn't matter. There's a lot of people Keith Olbermann is one of them that say things all the time. Nobody's listening! Nobody's watching. It's not connecting with people. It's connecting with a small group of people, sure. But does a small group of people really change everything? Especially when they're out in the open? Sure, a small group of people can have their secret combinations and do all kind of different things. Sure, you bet. And they can destroy us. But people who are standing up, the nincompoops! Really? Let me give you the truth, and here it is. By President Obama accepting the resignation on a holiday weekend at almost midnight Sunday morning, that tells you a couple of things. First of all, the accusations are accurate. How do I know that? Because they still haven't denied any of it. How do I know that? Midnight on a Sunday? You still have the power in Washington. You do. All it requires is for you to be informed.

You know, in many cases your representatives in Washington and your senators knew nothing about Van Jones. You were educating them. Unfortunately it wasn't until late last week that a few brave political people began to speak out, and some of them you want to talk about nincompoops were talking about the stupid, "Well, he called Republicans a naughty name." But this was you.

Now here's the bad news. When people started to say to me congratulations, my first response was, "You don't get it." This isn't about Van Jones. It never has been. This was a victory of sorts because it shows you that your voice still matters. But the real victory, I guess, anybody who would say congratulations are the ones playing political games, and I don't think you are doing that and I'm not. You are trying to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Obama is hoping that this is just going to go away now.

One of the headlines from the Politico this weekend: Beck up, left down. Let's look at the real words in this article. Van Jones said this was a vicious smear campaign. The president, on the way out of office, allows Van Jones to write, "This is a vicious smear campaign." Van Jones, he was not fired. He was able to resign. And during the resignation, he placed the blame on others. Not himself. What Van Jones doesn't understand is I didn't bring down Van Jones. In reality you didn't, either. Van Jones brought down Van Jones.

Here's how the smear campaign works. I play his words on radio and television. How is it smear to quote him in context? You want me to take him out of context? I could do two hours out of context. There's stuff that would boggle your mind that we have on this guy, but we didn't feel comfortable playing it because we weren't sure, maybe, maybe that was a joke. We couldn't get the whole text, we couldn't get the whole speech. Maybe this is out of context. We just played the things that were in context. How's that a smear campaign? His own words. These are some of his own words.

VAN JONES: This movement is deeper than a solar panel, deeper than a solar panel. Don't stop there. Don't stop there. No, we're going to change the whole system. We're going to change the whole thing.

GLENN: Now, I don't

VAN JONES: No more broken treaties, no more broken treaties. Give them the wealth.

GLENN: Talking about the Indians.

VAN JONES: Give them the wealth. Give them the dignity. Give them the respect that they deserve.

The white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people of color communities.

GLENN: White, white polluters are steering poison into the communities of color. Wow. I mean, what kind of context do you need on that one. How is that a smear campaign?

The media got all worked up because Van Jones said Republicans were A holes, but I want to play the quote I want to play the part that nobody played! Listen, there's two things, there's two other things that he said in this quote that are important. Listen.

VOICE: How were the Republicans able to push things through when they had less than sixty senators but somehow we can't?

VAN JONES: Well, the answer to that is they're [ BLEEP ].

GLENN: That's the part that everybody focused on. That's the part. That's the thing. Not him saying he's a communist, not saying I would rather give up the radical pose for the radical ends. None of that, no, no, no. That he called the Republicans a naughty name. They wouldn't even listen to the rest of the sentence. Listen to this answer.

VAN JONES: And Barack Obama's not an [ BLEEP ]. So...

GLENN: Listen.

VAN JONES: Now, I'm going to say this. I can be an [ BLEEP ], and some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama are going to have to start getting a little bit uppity.

GLENN: Okay. Stop. He's implying a threat here. I am. He says the Republicans are and I am and we're about to get uppity. So he's implying a threat. This has been one of the charges that I have made on Van Jones is this guy is a leader of the army. This guy is a radical that will do anything he has to. But nobody will pay attention to that part.

The Huffington Post said, you know, today congratulations, Glenn Beck, thank you very much for releasing this guy. And she's right. Arianna Huffington is right. This guy now is going into the system, with no one demanding answers from may I quote Van Jones from that last segment here: Barack Hussein Obama. Why does Van Jones continually use Barack Hussein Obama when nobody else does? For me saying it, I guarantee I'll be written up for it. Some blog is going to say, oh, I'm trying to scare people by using Barack Hussein Obama. Why is it that Van Jones constantly uses that? Why? What message is he trying to send? Because if I say it, I'm supposedly sending a message. Well, is he just saying it because he likes it? Or is he sending a message? The answer is I don't know! Having Van Jones leave is not a good thing. You'll notice I don't believe I ever asked for his resignation. What I did ask for are answers, but those answers are still out there. He's no longer restricted in what he can say or do, and this man is a dangerous man. That's why I've said the whole time this isn't about Van Jones. This is about the president and his policies.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: If I'm interested in figuring out my foreign policy, I associate myself with my running mate Joe Biden or with Dick Lugar, the Republican ranking member on the Senate foreign relations committee or General Jim Jones, the former supreme allied commander of NATO. Those are the people, Democrats and Republicans, who have shaped my ideas and who will be surrounding me.

GLENN: Let's go back to the Politico article. In the article it states they didn't scrub Van Jones. What does that mean? The White House should have cleansed the Internet of all of his prior positions? Is that what that means? I don't know.

The other thing the media didn't report was that Michelle Obama is a big fan of Van Jones. What does that mean? I don't know. Is she radical like Van Jones? Is the president a radical like Van Jones? More importantly, if you look at the language of Robert Gibbs, the White House doesn't endorse these things. The president does not endorse Jones' past statements or actions. Well, this is a far cry from rejecting those things. Communism, radicalism, black nationalism, racism, 9/11 Truthers. That's not something you just tolerate or don't endorse. Those are things that any president of the United States needs to reject! America, this is not a victory. This is a diversion. I'm not going to play the game because it ain't about me and Van Jones. That's what they want to make it, but it is not. This is about taking Obama at his word: Judge me by the people I surround myself with. ... 198/30212/