The President's first State of the Union speech may be over but the con goes on. Keep your eye on the coin as the shills move the shells around

Did he Really Say What He Said

By Dr. Robert R. Owens
Monday, February 1, 2010

Where to start? After a State-of-the-Union speech ranking among the longest in the last 45 years what was said? Stay the course in other words. Blame Bush, the banks, and Congress for any failures while taking credit for any success, scold the Supreme Court and lecture the rest of us. If we aren’t smart enough to understand his brilliant plans he’ll just have to lecture us again. He’s getting so repetitious I’m looking for my Headon so I can apply it directly to where it hurts.

While patting himself on the back and pointing his finger at the rest of us there was soiled rag on the laundry-list that sounded more like a line from a Jay Leno monologue then anything a serious leader would say, seriously.

Even a room full of political hacks couldn’t help laughing when President Obama banged the gong one more time for the Cap-N-Trade boondoggle. When he tossed out a one-liner worthy of Conan O’Brien or Dennis Miller, “For those who have yet to believe the overwhelming scientific evidence that exists on climate changeâ€