Dear friends,

Tuesday's Rally for the Republic is just days away! This is the biggest event I have ever put on in my political career, and I hope to see you there by my side.

A few things to announce:

1) Today, 638 various premium seats will be released at in sections 130, 131, 113, 112, and 111 at 10:00 a.m. Central Time. Here's an opportunity to get some excellent seats. Any leftover premium seats will be offered at the Ron Paul Nation Celebration on Monday night.

2) At 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning, the day of the Rally, 400 wristbands will be handed out at the Target Center on a first-come, first-served basis. These wristbands will provide ticket holders access to the standing-room-only space on the floor. As you can see on the seating chart below, this is the closest you can get to the stage. These wristbands will go fast, so be sure you're in line early Tuesday morning!

3) Volunteers will be a big part of making these next few days a success. All volunteers will be offered a free premium ticket to the Rally in exchange for your efforts. Please sign up here If you're a student, please fill out the form at our Facebook page. Can we make a big push as we head into our great week?

The situation our country faces is as dangerous as ever. A certain Democratic senator, recently passed over for the Republican vice-presidential nod, is likely to be our next secretary of state. Both major parties remain committed to militarism and reckless spending - and inflationism to fund it all.

At their convention the Democrats uttered barely a peep about the surveillance state, the police state, and the Bush administration's disastrous foreign policy. Needless to say, there was not a word about the Fed and what it's done to our economy. We can only imagine what the GOP Convention will have in store for us.

The Rally for the Republic is the first step in alerting our countrymen to these dangers, and holding out the message of freedom as the only remedy. We must resist the false choices the two major parties are giving us. Help me spread our great ideas far and wide. Join me in Minneapolis, and let's shake the rafters.

In liberty,

Ron Paul

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Ron Paul 2008
Sat, 30 Aug 2008 10:45 am