Floresville, Texas

Change We Can ‘Hardly’ Believe … (in)!
Bob Pritts
January 8, 2009

Over the past several weeks our president-elect has identified those he proposes to submit for promotion to some of the most powerful positions in our nation. To say the least, many are surprising. To say the most, they are purely political and self-promotional toward his liberal views. But, I’ll let you decide if I’m right after perusing the following snapshots of the candidates’ qualifications. It’s impossible to review the hundreds of appointments to be made in one short essay, so we’ll look at the cabinet positions that will most affect the path to our future as a nation.

Mr. Obama’s selection for Secretary of State is Senator Hillary Clinton. While Senator Clinton does have at least a nominal amount of international experience, mostly garnered through tagging along during her husband’s presidency, she will have a tough row to hoe when going out on her own. Many of the leaders with whom she will deal are major contributors to Mr. Clinton’s library and foundation. This will make her decisions among nations very precarious to say the least. For example, India was a large contributor to Mr. Clinton’s foundation and Pakistan gave nothing. They are both nuclear nations and have been fighting over Kashmir for years. It will be extremely difficult for her to side with Pakistan on mostly Muslim Kashmir against India’s objections. There are virtually hundreds of these deals that she will have to overcome in a rather tangled web that has been woven by her husband’s self-aggrandizing money collections.

Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D) of South Dakota has been selected as Secretary of Health and Human Services. After losing his re-election bid to John Thune (R) in 2004, Daschle left the Senate. He was restricted from becoming a lobbyist so he entered the D.C. law firm of Alston & Bird as what was termed a ‘special policy adviser’ … translation … health care industry lobbyist. The firm’s health care lobbying clients include CVS Caremark, The National Association for Home Care and Hospice, Abbott Laboratories, and HealthSouth to name but a few. The firm was paid some $5.8M between January and September 2008 to represent companies and associations before Congress and the Executive branch. Mr. Daschle is a far left liberal and believes totally in nationalized, government controlled healthcare. With the associations above, he is well positioned to push forward in that direction. He served on the Obama transition team and according to transition spokesperson Stephanie Cutter “he was not a lobbyist, and he will recuse himself from any work that presents a conflict of interestâ€