Like Obama, Karl Rove Seems Willing to Subvert the Constitution to Win in 2012
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by Lawrence Sellin, ©2011

Karl Rove was born on Christmas Day, 1950 and served as Deputy Chief of Staff to Pres. George W. Bush

(Oct. 26, 2011) — First of all, no one should take Karl Rove too seriously. He acts purely out of self-interest.

Rove cares little about the Constitution, the rule of law or the country. He is only interested in winning elections because each election he wins increases his power, prestige and the size of his financial portfolio.

Rove is part of the Republican establishment, who long ago decided that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney will be their Presidential candidate in 2012 and Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) will be chosen for the Vice Presidency.

Romney has the mega-money backers and a national campaign organization, key factors in winning any presidential race.

Rubio brings considerable benefits to the ticket because of his strength in the critical state of Florida, by his perceived conservatism and by his ability to swing Hispanic votes to the Republican Party.

So, it is understandable that Rove does not want the American people to know that Marco Rubio is not a natural born citizen and, therefore, is not eligible for the office of Vice President or President.

To that end, Rove has begun to use the same method, “Rules for Radicalsâ€