Texas, it's time to draw a line in the sand!

8/29 Texas Complete State Sovereignty and Nullification of all Federal Legislation
August 8th, 2009

8/29 - TEXAS - Complete State Sovereignty and the Nullification of ALL Federal Legislation

- thanks Gerry Donaldson
Join your fellow Texans in our Demand and Petition for Sovereignty or Secession
It’s now confirmed. On August 29th we will be converging on Austin to demand complete State Sovereignty and the nullification of ALL Federal legislation that is without Constitutional Authority in a meeting scheduled with Governor Rick Perry.

Rep. Leo Berman referenced his support for this on my radio show last Tuesday night. Now all conservative minded groups are joining together to make this THE Tea Party of 2009!

Representative Berman has repeatedly shown his support for Texas Sovereignty and has created House Bill 1863. He has also recently recognized the right of the people to call for secession if our Federal government refuses to comply with the Constitution!

Recently, our Federal government has blatantly refused to acknowledge the state’s rights of Montana and Tennessee. In total, there are 37 States with sovereignty resolutions, that are now faced with the same dilemma; if the people do not stand up now, all hopes of restoring America and regaining our lost unalienable rights are gone.

All other state legislators supporting the Sovereignty Bill and Rep. Leo Berman’s House Bill 1863 are being asked to stand with us as we converge, en masse, upon the Capital in Austin to let them know that we either take back our sovereignty completely or we will ask for a vote of Secession.

We are fed up and won’t take it anymore!

We’re working with all 37 States with sovereignty resolutions to coordinate this event, or one just like it, into the ultimate “draw a lineâ€