Tea Party Patriots San Fernando Valley CA announces:


We are co-sponsoring "The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks" Plus Presentations by Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer.

Location: Laemmele Fallbrook 7, auditorium No. 3 on Saturday, April 9, 2012 at 10 a.m. with presentations to follow the screening.

Ms. Geller is producer/director of the documentary film, which covers rallies on June 6 and Sept. 11, 2010 in lower Manhattan. Speakers include: Ambassador John Bolton; journalist Andrew Breitbart and 9/11 families, plus speakers who have escaped Islamic terrorism in their native countries.

Ms. Geller's recent book is "The Post-American Presidency" on the Obama administration. Mr. Spencer is a frequent lecturer/FOX News analyst and author of several books on Islamic jihad.

We are co-sponsoring the event with Protecting American Values (PAV), an offshoot of San Fernando Valley ACT. To our knowledge, this is a first: premiere and these nationally known authors.

NOTE: Seating is limited. Advance-ticket sales only: Tickets are $20 general admission and $25 VIP/priority seating/concession vouchers. You can preorder tickets at http://thenewpatriotguards.com or at our monthly meetings in February and March.