Dear Alipacers:

Help me here to view the process slanted to the pro-side being represented and the negative side not being as a fair and open process.

Second there is already a Dress Code.

Third, are civil rights being violated.

Fourth, I have brought up the issue concerning health for the bigger children who have to sit in a Public School Seat for at least five hours a day. Circulation, and the build up of fluid due to restrictive clothing is one of my concerns. And what are they going to do for the full figured young women in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades being required to display instead of camouflaging their body parts.

Fifth, the School Board will not state who started the action. But they are noting everyone who is stating or questioning this action upon the student, parents, and local citizens. And the use of paper, ink and time of teachers and staff during school time amazes me. Isn't this taxpayer money being used for the pro-side - stacking and building their deck in favor of the issue. Currently in the local newspaper 75% favor and 25% don't favor implementing Unified Dress Codes in the local Middle School.

Sixth, it is spilling over into the class room of my child in which a teacher has said to the class that they have "no say".

What remedy can someone offer me to the process and the health concerns of all students? Remember there is already a "Dress Code" and we, parents, sign a statement annually recognizing this code.

All knowledge pro- or con- is appreciated.

Who is the School Board trying to control or testing their powers on?

Thank you,

Animal Farm
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Orwell wrote the book following his experiences during the Spanish Civil War, which are described in another of his books, Homage to Catalonia. He intended it to be a strong condemnation of what he saw as the Stalinist corruption of the original socialist ideals. For the preface of a Ukrainian edition he prepared in 1947, Orwell described what gave him the idea of setting the book on a farm:[7]

...I saw a little boy, perhaps ten years old, driving a huge carthorse along a narrow path, whipping it whenever it tried to turn. It struck me that if only such animals became aware of their strength we should have no power over them, and that men exploit animals in much the same way as the rich exploit the proletariat.
Another Link
By George Orwell, 1949

“You must love Big Brother. It is not enough to obey him; you must love him.â€