United We Stand - Divided We Fall

By Bob Campbell
Thursday, November 5, 2009

By all rights we should not be living in the United States of America today as a free people. The odds of the Patriots winning their freedom against the mighty British Empire was something like 20 to 1.

Yet, a band of rag-tag soldiers triumphed. Many say it was fate. Others say it was pure luck. I believe it was divinely inspired and I also believe the Founding Fathers knew God would protect our fragile Nation as long the people winning that freedom pulled together, stayed together and worshipped God as one.

Life in the fast lane today leaves little time for God. It leaves even less time for bonding as a free people to fight the work of the devil and those that seek to tear us apart. People can manufacture a 1,000 reasons why “it’s too late — the people are too selfish — the old are too tired — the young are too ignorant — the weak are too afraid — or the strong have better things to do.â€