
by Fred Cederholm
Mon, 27 Sep 2010

Things are coming apart before our eyes

I’ve been thinking about unraveling. Actually I’ve been thinking about the Obama administration, unemployment, housing, Afghanistan, our economic/ financial messes, the coming November elections, October surprises, and sand. Sunday I was gone all day. I went to church, I stayed for Sunday school, I went out to eat, and I attended a memorial service for a long time friend, Bud Elkin. I thought I looked pretty good in my khaki slacks, a white knit golf shirt, and my burgundy colored sweater over the top. I needed the sweater because it was cool – Fall was rapidly descending on us here. What I didn’t realize was that I had snagged the sweater around the side of the waist band. One thread of the wool yarn had apparently broken and as the day progressed, I was coming apart at the seams – literally! The progression of the unraveling was brought to my attention by numerous people during the day. Each time I thanked them for the information, but I kept TH*NK*NG why was the public not so astute at assessing the unraveling of the Obama Administration, and the US economic situation.

You see we have officially been in a recession (make that a depression) since the last quarter of 2007. Now we are being informed that the “economic dislocationâ€