Feb 24, 10:50 AM EST

Senate approves tax breaks for new hires

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate has passed a bill aimed at boosting job growth by giving tax breaks to businesses that hire the unemployed.

The jobs legislation would also extend highway and mass transit programs through the end of the year and pump $20 billion into them in time for the construction season. Economists say the tax breaks could create perhaps 250,000 jobs.

It's the first of several job-creation measures promised by Democrats, who also want to give cash-strapped states further help with their budgets and give subsidies to people who make their homes more energy efficient.

The measure passed by a bipartisan 70-28 and now goes back to the House, which passed a far more ambitious version in December.

http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/ ... TE=DEFAULT

This bill contains NO requirement that employers 1) receiving an exemption from payroll taxes for new employees hired in 2010 or 2) a tax credit for those who keep these new employees for 52 weeks (its two major provisions) use E-Verify or any other method to verify that these "new employees" are U.S. citizens or immigrants legally documented to work in the United States! In fact, there are NO requirements that these "new employees" be legal workers at all: evidently hiring and keeping illegal workers will do equally well to be rewarded with taxpayer funds for the majority of our lawmakers!
