The Congressman has scheduled a meeting with a representative of an H-1B advocacy organization that promotes more H-1Bs and other perks for them on September 9th. Can somebody tell this Congressman that there are millions of Americans unemployed because H1-b visas?

The H-1B plans to ask the Congressman for:
1. Recapture of Visas (more visas to be issued to them)
2. Issue Green Card to all H1 B holders who buy a house. (increase in ease of immigration, more competition for American jobs. And where do they get the money to buy a house here? From taking an American's job, that's where.)
3. Issue of Driving Licenses to H1B/H4’s for at least 5 years if I 485 is pending for more than 6 months.
4. Let all H4 qualified spouses to work which will contribute towards all the taxes. (more competition for jobs on American soil. Right now H4s are not supposed to compete with us for jobs, though some do illegally)

Here's the congressman's contact information (he is against CIR)..

How easy is it for us citizens to get a chunk of our elected representative's face time to ask for our wish list?

Thanks to anyone who can help.