Reaping the Whirlwind of our Inattention

US Police State Begins Exponential Expansion

- Sher Zieve
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The recent Indiana Supreme Court ruling against the US Constitution, rendering the Fourth Amendment null and void in that State by patently leftist activist judges, is only the latest unconscionable step in a series of actions designed to unravel each and every portion of the Bill of Rights. It is also one of the latest actions designed to compliment and enhance the already jack-booted Obama police State march into our States, our cities and homes. Soon US citizens will have no rights—whatsoever—unless they are doled out by the USSA Meneur or Commandant du jour. Currently, that is the Obama/Soros syndicate which is now acting as the US‘ Dictator-and-agitator-in-chief.

Reaping the Whirlwind of our Inattention

I and others began warning of the dissolution of our liberties and our nation years ago. With respect (and I use that word very gingerly) to Obama, I wrote my first no-holds-barred warning piece (“Is the USA Ready for an American Stalin?â€