Days Of Protest & Rebellion
Jim Kirwan

This nation was not born into this world as it exists today. It began with an idea that slipped through the rigid and established traditions of the Old World Order, to offer its new citizens a brief interlude with concepts that no nation had ever attained before. This 'freedom' in a fledgling Republic was theirs to lose-if they failed to understand the symbiotic relationship between the half-armored, half human, Freedom & Responsibility.

The founders lost this battle early, but succeeding generations fought to keep that torch alive, and over the decades chose to fight against the Old and rigid 'traditions' from a collective past that came directly from the Dark Ages.

Bit by bit Americans fought against the grain to establish for themselves and their posterity many of those rights that so many take for-granted today. One such period that encompassed most of the real fights over the future direction of this nation, came during the years surrounding the First World War.

There is a biography of Louise Bryant that takes us back to those heady Days of Protest & Rebellion. The story relates from the inside, the real battles between the rights of all people to a living wage and the demands of Capitalism that sought to maintain its stranglehold upon the vast populations of the world, who had to fight for every crumb of existence. Along the way the struggle for Women's Rights, the fate of the Union organizers as well as the in- bred conflict between the autocratic dictates of the establishment and the god-given rights of human beings to determine their own lives-each and all come into play-because that is what Louise's life and the lives of those she knew were all about. (1)

If Americans had discovered the substance in these events, as part of their basic education, we would not be in the situation that we find ourselves facing today. The biography is long (by web standards) but well worth the time if you want to understand how all these un-American laws and national Crimes-Against-Humanity have become commonplace today. Here's an excerpt from part four that sheds some light on what is ours, versus what the government has stolen from us-in the name of national security-in-a-time-of war!

"The freedoms the defendants claim as their birth-right will be no more if we are vanquished by a mortal enemy." Then Socialist Norris Hilquit for the defendants: "Constitutional rights are not a gift.
Countless thousands paid for them with their lives. War or no war; constitutional rights taken away and given back are never again the vivifying force they were before when they expressed the soul of a nation. They become just a gift to be given and to be taken away. ..." It was noon, Monday, April 28, 1918.

From a Senator in Senate Hearings, questioning Ms. Bryant: "You say you don't want to see this nation intervene in Russian affairs. Do you then think it is all right for the Bolshevik government to stir up a revolution in the United States?" At this question, she rose slightly from her chair, remained silent for several seconds, and then said passionately: "Revolutions, sir, are not like commodities that are exported from one country to another. They are created by conditions within a country. The Russian Czars made the Bolshevik revolution possible. If there is ever a revolution in this, my country, it will not be created by the Wobblies or the anarchists or anyone else. It will be the result of the sort of repression now sweeping this country, and by those of this country's leaders who want to see the repression go on."

Louise in a note: "I have been testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee and I want you to know my impressions of that unpleasant experience . . . I found myself at a long table, at which sat six men with cold eyes and harsh angry voices. They were my countrymen, but they were also my enemies. Their hate was naked and ugly, the flame of it burned away the mist before my eyes and I came away with the old, vague fears suddenly turned into vivid realities. . .

The men I write about are old men - not so old in years as in obsolete thoughts. They have determined to fight for a world as it was before the Great War - and that world no longer exists. They had decided to crush unmercifully all defenders of change. Each aged senator, chewing his everlasting cigar, sees in himself a Marquise de Lantenac - a strong man of the hour.

I have never been afraid of intelligent conversation, but I am afraid of ignorance, ignorance is cruel and intolerant. One cannot reason with it. When I went before the Committee I was full of hope. Here in America, I said to myself, we can surely get together . . . the breach is not so wide, there need be no violence. But; I was wrong, there will be. Our conservatives will see to that. It is idle to plead with such men; they will bring the house down on their own heads. They will destroy themselves and thousands of others. How many centuries ago Sophocles wrote: 'Woe for the doom of a dark soul!'" (2)

Several times throughout the biography politicians and various tyrants are "burned in effigy" Â* maybe it's time that this practice came back into vogue.

The United States today has become a hologram that cites as its reason for being-the existence of the hologram-which is both unreal and completely self-referential. Much talk revolves around the Constitution, the legalities of this or that action by the feral government, yet none of this has any bearing on the realities of life in Occupied America today. This is so for several very petty reasons. Foremost among these reasons is the fact that "sworn oaths" have come to mean less than nothing. In the real world of USA Incorporated, the only the oaths that count are taken when joining any of the Secret Societies, along with that oath so freely given, to Smoke & Mirrors, which is made to one's membership in major political parties. This is nothing more than a fantasy upon a farce: as whatever either supposed party "stands- for" changes with the political wind of every passing moment.

The other major departure from reality today is the fact that the people of this country have forsaken the laws of the constitution for their worship of Mammon, the god of Money. Somehow all of this became confused with the classical ideal of Victory and accomplishments unlimited. But the most famous image of Victory has no head, because she does not belong to any one person, just as Defeat is always headless-because no one ever claims it!
Together these unrealities have combined to write our national epitaph in the Chemtrails that have begun to spell out our future, because we have chosen to remain in the Vestibule of Dante's Inferno: just inside the Gates of Hell.

There one finds the impossibly massive numbers of those that have continued to refuse to choose in life: so that in death they spend eternity chasing that forever whirling standard of the chaos that stands for nothing. Yet no matter how small the decision, everyone must choose something to believe in. Americans however, seem to believe that they are immune from such troublesome choices. So we have created this mythical hologram of ideologies and constructs that cannot survive within the poisoned air, the toxic land, or the undrinkable water of the world as it is today.

One wonders what the many would have thought; who fought so long for so many divergent 'rights and powers' had they but known how their descendants would have chosen to squander each and every one of their dreams: simply because we couldn't be bothered to discover anything about the way things really worked in this country, and that was less than a hundred years ago.

So many died, so many were destroyed to gain the simplest of basic things, and yet today that struggle of theirs might as well have taken place on Mars, for all the difference that it has not made in the thinking of our self-absorbed society: A self-concerned herd of terrified individuals that has deserted everything that we once said we 'stand for.'

If all the life on this planet were to be shown upon a one-hour clock, the portion that mankind has been here would occupy only the last one-one-hundredth of the very last second. That's how insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things. Yet in that miniscule time we have managed to utterly destroy our own place upon the planet; and now we are the single greatest threat to its existence. In addition we can't even seem to find ways for capitalism and the ordinary rights of people anywhere to co-exist.

Evolution and Extinction are part of the natural balance in this world. If we don't begin to find ways to both remain alive and return to living in accord with nature: then we shall soon disappear. The Judeo-Christian Ethic proclaimed Nature as the enemy of mankind-something that had to be conquered and contained-so that man could reign supreme. That hasn't worked out, and it never will.

Look around you, one act of nature can destroy a thousand years of humanity, in a few seconds: yet in the world of men too many have forgotten what happened to the despotic rulers of old, when they denied the rights of their slaves to anything remotely like a life! That's where the Guillotine came into this equation. The new rulers of the Old World Order are about to relearn that age-old rule firsthand, because none of us has ever "deserved" to spend their lives living above all the rest of us.

Our storied past can only serve as prologue for tomorrow if we heed what happened there and choose to change our ways. Only time can tell us whether we have reached our Zenith as a species, or whether we shall be recycled back, into the dust we share, with all of human-history.
1) Greene's Louise Bryant Â* Love & Revolution

2) Part Four