US 'to take 7,000 Iraq refugees'

Millions have been displaced internally and externally in the war
The US is to take in another 7,000 Iraqi refugees over the next year amid rising international concern over those fleeing the insurgency, officials said. The number represents a huge increase on the 463 refugees the US has taken in since the four-year-old war began.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has been outlining the plan in talks with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

The UN estimates that up to 50,000 Iraqis flee each month and that 3.8m have left since the war started.
Most of the refugees have headed for Syria and Jordan. But both countries have tried to cut the influx, narrowing options for those fleeing.
The new US plan was revealed by state department officials ahead of a formal announcement on Wednesday.
The 7,000 refugees would move to the US from countries they have already reached.
State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the figures was a "target" not a ceiling.
( cassie : so the first 7,000 is just the beginning )

The plan, outlined by Ms Rice to UN refugee chief Antonio Guterres,
would also afford special treatment to those in Iraq who were at risk of sectarian attack through providing the US with information.
( Cassie : how many will get this " special treatment " ?? How many Iraqi's are at risk of sectarian violence ?
I bet a few million, including Kurds, Sunnis, and shiites. 3.8 million have already left

The UN has called for $60m (£30.5m) from nations for a global resettlement programme. The US is expected to pledge $18m.


The first 7,000 will arrive pretty soon, and be followed by probably tens of thousand more. Maybe all 3,8 million, why not ? I really don't care, we made a mess of their country. I'm against illegals from any country, but all Iraqis can come here legally, we started this mess. Now, Crocket and any other person that supports this war, hope you make your preparations to open up your houses. You should be the ones to carry the burden of these refugees, you supported this war. Refugees are a site effect of the war. But no, we'll have to carry the burden, and I oppose illegals coming to this country from any country where we have NOT created a mess, but we made a mess of Iraq, we need to pay the price.

A concerned Cassie