Part 3: Secular Humanism and Global Government - the UN - and the USSR

From USA to USSA

By Frank Polacek
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Part 2 addressed Humanist Manifestos 1 & 2 showing them as the foundation of communism into which we are to be merged. Here are some excerpts from Humanist 2000 and its connection to advancing the UN, adding some more pieces to the puzzle. To wit:

Since the end of the Cold War (between the free Western European democracies and the U.S.S.R.), the United States, supported by NATO and the other Western Powers, has often sought to impose peace by force, bypassing the United Nations and seriously undermining its authority.

Notice: The complaint is made against the United States, and the free Democracies of Western Europe for using force to defend and protect their freedoms (impose peace) against the threat of Soviet communist aggression, which has caused more deaths during peacetime than all the wars in history combined!>

We need now more than ever a world body that represents the people of the world rather than nation-states. To solve problems on the transnational level, we need gradually but drastically to transform the United Nations. Some of these changes will involve amending the UN Charter;...radically altering the structure of the UN. The most fundamental change would be to enhance the effectiveness of the UN by converting it from an assembly of sovereign states to an assembly of peoples.

Such a transformation does have precedents, including the self conversion of
America’s early confederation of sovereign states into the current ‘federal’ system (our irreversible fatal mistake, even they know about this). If we are to solve our global problems, nation states must transfer some of their sovereignty to a system of transnational authority. The de-facto political boundaries of the world are arbitrary. We need to go beyond them.

(Just surrender your freedom to us and we’ll “take care ofâ€