American downfall & Healthcare, the Repubs won't tell how we really got here.

I watched the Senate Last night from 12:00am to 1:45am.

I saw the Republicans speak about how we got here and that the
American People are largely against this healthcare bill.
The Republicans told of this and that and rightly so anyone that
believes in THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUION is furious.
But, they didn't really tell how America got to this point in America,
and it isn't just healthcare, although healthcare is one of the problems
because of the reason America is destructing. Apparently it all began
with the massive illegal immigration, outsourcing and legal immigration,
namely globalisation. But when they talkl of globalisation they speak of
all the good it does, they never blame anything bad on it.
Is it just me or does this correlate?
Illegal immigration came, wages went down, people couldn't pay bills,
economy collapses and now it it all blamed on capitalism. Obviously
the free market has been invaded for decades before the massive
invasion but then the invasion made the consumer economy collapse, and
the rest has followed. Where is the truth at?

The Rebulicans didn't show a spine and they didn't tell what is really
going on here, they didn't reveal or call this what it is... COMMUNISM,
FASCISM and SOCIALISM. They didn't call this THEFT of Some
peoples money to be given to other people, largely illegal

I know there is supposed to be a certian amount of decorum in the
houses but if a senator introduced a bill calling for terrorist
training camps be built in America that senator would be called a
terrorist, a triator and a idiot, or would they? If a Senator would call
another Senator supporting the funding of terrorist camps in the United
States a traitor or sponsor of terror would that be considered outside the
lines of decorum in the house? I think not, and there is no difference
here, this is communism, fascism and is totally unconstitutional and
the Republicans ought to grow a spine and call it like it is. If we can't
have real freedom of speech in our capital where it should be most
prevelant then what good is the freedom of speech?

Apparently the PC movement won't allow those that play by it's rules
to tell things as they are, and that is why the healthcare bill has
gotten this far because the Republicans and many movements that claim
to be conservetive are playing by the Communist rules of Political
Correctness and until the Conservetives start going outside these lines
the truth will not prevail, this game cannot be won playing by the PC
rules, if they continue playing by these rules, it is a built in win
for the communist.

The Republicans blasted the sweetheart deals for certian senators to
vote for these, they did not call it what it is BRIBERY, they will not call this agenda
what it is which is communism.

The Republicans again failed to mention the largest sweetheart deal in
this package which is for the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and UNIONS like SEIU and
the Deomcratic Party (communist party), not a single word was mentioned and this
is why the current Republican party will get no respect from millions of
Americans. How come we never had a health insurance problem until the illegal
invasion? That says it all doesn't it? But again, we hear nothing of this from
the apparent softer side of communism, the current Republican Party.

Again, Harry Ried went on to say that people are dying because they don't have
insurance, but he nor the Republicans didn't dig in and explain why people
are unhealthy and have no insurance. The reason why people don't have insurance
and can't afford it, and the reason why people are unhealthy is because they
don't have jobs. When you have been doing a job you are exercising, you are
mentally working, you are burning calories and that keeps you healthier. Many
people that did physical jobs are now not doing physical work, after a while
your matabolism changes and you begin to gain weight which affects the rest
of your body negatively. If someone is doing a physical job for 8 hours a day
and now are not working, that is a dramatic change in your body. Even if you
excercise an hour a day it will not replace the 7 or 8 hours you were burning
calories at work. Many people that had desk jobs cannot afford to go to the
fitness center now that they are laid off. When people are active this builds
up the body and makes us less prone to disease and sickness. And, as people
become discouraged from looking for a job and are somewhat depressed because
of debt and other issues brought about by not having a job or the new job
pays lower and doesn't pay the bills, they are more likely to have a health
issue whether physically or mentally. The reason people are getting sick is
because we are out of shape, mostly because we are out of work, not because
we are lazy. The reason people are dying as Harry Ried claimed is because
people don't have jobs or are making less in the same job and now cannot
afford health insurance, this is why people can't afford health insurance.
Another reason people can't afford health insurance is because, the more
people that have health insurance, the cheaper it is for everyone, the less
people that pay in to health insurance, the more it cost because there is less
money to spread out over the people using the health insurance, and with more
and more people out of work and out of shape, the more people that will need
healthcare that have no insurance at all, it is a self replicating cycle and it
all begins by making sure there are NO NEW JOBS CREATED, until there are JOBS,
JOBS, JOBS and GOOD JOBS, this will continue. The bottom line is we NEED GOOD
JOBS and HIGHER WAGES and without immigration enforcement a check on legal
immigration and a moritorium on outsourcing jobs, this is not going to happen.
TO AVOID THIS ISSUE. In essence you could very easily make the case that
illegal immigration is stealing our jobs and decreasing wages which in turn
leads to unhealthy Americans because they aren't working, which in turns leads
to Americans that cannot afford health insurance, which in turn leads to
Americans not going to the doctor and having diseases and health problems
found early enough and can lead to a fatal disease for Americans, all the while
the American People are paying for the illegals healthcare, child births and
the American People are actually paying the illegals to steal they're jobs and
they're entire lives, what a travisty this is. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!
If you cannot control your borders and enforce who and what comes into your
country, don't expect your citizens to be prosperous.

The other side of this healthcare debate that we never hear of is what is in the food
that we are eating? We see cows being shot up with stuff to make they're milk production
triple, this isn't natural, there have been news stories relating this to health
problems especially in babies and kids, we hear nothing of it. We see shrimp and
other food that are now 3 times the size they were ten years ago, what is being altered
in these foods that make them grow so much bigger, we see anitbodies, genetics and
other changes made in food and seeds that are genetically altered. clearly this is
contributing to the un-healthyness in some of the food while others it may not affect
the food at all, but much of these altered food, animals, crustations are not tested
for long perdiods and the industry lobbyist can get approvals for these alterations
pretty quickly. Then we have imported food, which we don't know or hear much about
either, some of this un healthyness has to be coming from the foods, where are the
debates? How can you have a healthcare debate without bringing food into it?

Of course there are other issues realted to healthcare cost as well like tort
reform, too much government intervention, to many taxes on healthcare and regulations
and ect. But in large part we have a huge illegal immigrant population
taking free heatlhcare services and that drives cost up, way up.

The Dems say this bill will pay down the deficet, which really means
the money paid into the heathcare scam for 3 to 4 years is going to be used for
deficet reduction (yeah right) and not healthcare. This money will be stolen
just like the money is always gone when it comes time to use it, then they will
need a another ponzi scheme to cover this one. Did the Republicans say anything
about putting this money in a lock box or make an amendment that this money could
not be touched for anything other than healthcare? I didn't hear a word.

The Republicans said they've just begun to fight against this healthcare bill but
the fight is over for the Republicans because they won't bring the truth into the
fight and without the truth this fight won't be won.

Why isn't the truth brought into this debate?
Because the Republicans are the softer side of Communism, they won't bring out the
details of the deals, scams and criminal actions because then the Dems will bring
out the secerets about the Repubs and what they've done that is just as bad as the
Dems and they have all sold us out. This isn't about Decorum, this is about the
Republicans being shut up because they haven't been honest in the past and if they
start speaking the truth and calling this communism and reveal the criminal act
that this ponzi scheme is, then the Dems will reveal likewise facts about previous
Republican criminal and fleecing acts, like the TARP Bill, the Bank Bailouts and
everything else the two party system has put on us. This is about one side faking a
cover of being against this but they can't tell the truth about what it is because
both sides have hostages, you call us a commie and we'll show the American People
how you sold them out with your commie actions, both sides are dirty and even though
they act like they dispise eachother, they cannot tell the truth about the other side
because of the past deeds they have done to this country, so what we get is people
making a little ruckus against a policy, nothing more than a show to make the party
faithful think they are really aginst this or that proposed policy like healthcare.
We know this is true because the American People are calling this healthcare, tax &
Trade and Amnesty what it is, it is criminal, it is communism and fascism and the
American People know it and we speak those words on a daily basis, but do we hear our
representitives saying this, calling it like it is? No, becaise they use this Political
correctness as cover for themselves as well, when they use political correctness they
cover they're past criminal acts, assuring the harsh words will never be brought up,
they're own traitorus acts will never be uncovered, this is why illegal immigration is
never brought up, both sides have sold us out and they use political correctness to
behind they're traitorus actions, both parties do. So, the republicans want to hijack
the new conservetitive movement by claiming it as they're own but it isn't, the new
conservetive movement speaks the truth without political correctness, the republicans
don't and they can't because in order to speak the truth you must act on the truth
and they have not acted on the truth and therefore they're sins will be revealed to
the American People, therfore they will be held hostage to these sins and criminal
acts and therefore they will not change. WE THE PEOPLE WILL TAKE BACK AMERICA, NOT THE

Both parties are infected with lies, and once you lie you have to keep
telling lies to keep the first lie looking honest, and each lie after gets
bigger and bigger to cover up the previous lies and at one point it will all
look so utterly stupid nobody will believe either party, it seems we are
gradually getting to that point, and this is what we need, an honest
clensing and a new start with honest people at the helm, this is the only
way to get back to what our forefathers invisioned.