On a topic like this, which has been Majorly Pushed by Side Channels to Condition the US Population to think of it as a "Conspiracy Theory", you can expect to get a different opinion from the same person depending on who is present. I know have seen it, but I don't care anymore. For every 100 People I talk to, I/WE only need 1 to listen and tell 1 other Person.(1% is 10 Million). I would just make sure you keep up with what is happening in your City/Town, if you live in one that hasn't already passed this "Conspiracy Theory". If you don't, I can promise you with the economic down turn coming, you will see it soon.

I have gotten to the point on this afterthought/Archive site, where I don't care anymore. I see no action to pivot to address the one thing that WAS going to make AIPAC moot(IF the TPP Doesn't, but I think we all know that has already passed). All I have gotten "We know this", while action are consistent with NOT KNOWING or I just get some Dumb Ass Irrelevant Waste-of-Time Tactic. So watch it, don't, I couldn't care less. And while this topic wont be touched by ANY Mainstream Corp. "NEWS" Media, there are those who think it IS the Most Dire Problem WE face, you know because of the "Non Important" Illegal Immigration, Liberty, and Freedom type stuff.

You will hear "Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. Its filled with some great ideas." from the same people who HAVEN'T RESEARCHED IT or THOSE TRYING TO IMPLEMENT IT.

"I tried to teach my 3 year old nephew to tie his shoes and he did not want to learn how. I came to the realization that YOU CAN NOT MAKE A MAN LEARN TO TIE HIS SHOES after I took his hands in mine and used his fingers to form a loop, go around, through, and tighten, when his fingers would go limp and he just kept saying "I cant do it" while making it impossible to use his fingers to form a bow."