Amazing the anger that is out there. Is this news getting to Pelosi and Shumer?

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Another Blue Dog faces his constituents on health care
posted at 10:35 am on August 4, 2009 by Ed Morrissey
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Democracy can be a dangerous thing … for incumbents who pass bad policy, or even attempt to defend it. Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit and Doug Ross have the latest evidence of this, a town-hall meeting on ObamaCare in Ohio’s 1st CD, represented by Democrat Steve Dreihaus. In this case, Dreihaus has even more to explain after winning his seat on a claim of fiscal conservatism, as Dreihaus also voted for cap-and-trade, which will make Ohio’s coal industry vanish along with hiking energy costs on his constituents. Yesterday, though, ObamaCare made them angry enough:

Driehaus did his best to maintain a facade of support. His town-hall organizers took only written questions and started off the meeting warning about “Teabaggers,â€