

By Greg Evensen
January 17, 2008

At the end of December, my wife Liz and I celebrated our wedding anniversary. We chose a particularly beautiful lakeside location in the small northern Wisconsin town of Florence to spend a quiet evening. Maxsell’s Bed and Breakfast is both a remarkably restored mansion and a superb place to dine as well. This was a memorable evening spent with the gracious hosts at Maxsell’s. Other patrons celebrated with us and we left our concerns at home. For a brief time, the continuing economic, political, governmental, military, and security failures that have left all of us in personal jeopardy, were forgotten. We were able to enjoy the fine cuisine, gentle discussion, and comfortable glimpses back in time to great experiences almost lost in the bad dream that has become our everyday reality.

Because of the current administration’s failure to tell us the truth on so many critical issues, we have lost sight of how far this country has strayed from its noble path of a century ago. This was a time before massive government agencies that ruled our every thought and action. It was a time before world wars, national self-destruction through entitlements, a freedom robbing fraudulent income tax on wages and a food industry working with a pharmaceutical behemoth that plotted how to poison Americans with preservatives, sweeteners, soft drinks, cooking agents, synthetic butters and radiation treatments of foods that killed their nutritional value while slowly starving the general population. The fast track approval for drugs that kill us or only “manageâ€