Villaraigosa...the Great Pretender and Swindler-in-Chief!!! This is appalling!!!

Villaraigosa's Out-Of-Town "$10,000 Chair" Fundraisers
From Walter Moore, Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles,

Hey, have you ever seen the invitations that career politicians like Villaraigosa send to developers and other special interests that do business with the City Hall?

Now you can. I have obtained, for your reading pleasure, copies of the actual invitations for Villaraigosa's recent fundraisers, including the following:

Chicago: Mayor Daly hosted a $1000 per person lunch buffet at the Four Seasons in Chicago for Villaraigosa's re-election campaign.

New York: Mayor Bloomberg had cocktail reception for Villaraigosa in New York City, the announcement for which specifies that a person must raise $10,000 to be the "General Chair," and $5,000 to become a "Co-Chair." These amounts are particularly interesting because L.A. law -- there's an oxymoron for you -- limits contributions to $1000 per person.

Florida: Benny and Juliette Klepach and Bill Rubin invited people to a $1000 per person fundraiser for Villaraigosa on Indian Creek Island, Florida. Indian Creek Island is a private island, by the way.

San Francisco: Former Mayor Willie Brown and others held a fundraiser for Villaraigosa in San Francisco at the Neiman Marcus Rotunda, and specified: "Co-Chairs (Raise $10,000), Hosts (Raise $5,000), Guests (Raise $1000)." Did I mention that, under L.A. laws, $1000 is the maximum a person can contribute, not the minimum?

To look at the actual invitations yourself, click here. (Give them time to load; they're in a 10-page PDF file.)

Hey, do you think all those people in Chicago, New York, Florida and San Francisco are kicking in $1000 a head because they care about you? Do you think they're contributing money because they think Villaraigosa will increase your quality of life, or their quality of life?

Man, you are so cynical! I love that about you.

Speaking of you, remember: you are invited to my Rally in the Valley this coming Saturday, June 28. Click here for the details and to RSVP.

If you can contribute $1000 or $100, that would be great, but admission is free. You won't get a delightful lobster mini-quiche or a buttery Chardonnay, but you might just get a Mayor who fights to improve your quality of life, instead of out-of-town millionaires' quality of life.

And just so we're clear, I've got nothing against millionaires. Rather, what I'm against is career politicians who sell out the public interest in favor of special interests. And when those special interests are people who don't even live here, well, that's just a bit too blatant.

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