How many times have you heard this new word of BO's lately?

"...Obama shot back, "Well, I think that when you listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, it's pretty apparent, and it's troublesome, but keep in mind that there have been periods in American history where this kind of vitriol comes out."

What the hell is he even talking about?

Main Entry: vit·ri·ol
Pronunciation: \ˈvi-trē-əl\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French vitriole, from Medieval Latin vitriolum, alteration of Late Latin vitreolum, neuter of vitreolus glassy, from Latin vitreus vitreous
Date: 14th century
1 a : a sulfate of any of various metals (as copper, iron, or zinc); especially : a glassy hydrate of such a sulfate b : oil of vitriol
2 : something felt to resemble vitriol especially in caustic quality; especially : virulence of feeling or of speech

— vit·ri·ol·ic \ˌvi-trē-ˈä-lik\ adjective ... ode=9B13-1