Voting Is Not A Hate Crime!

Bill Lussenheide- Candidate US Congress CA- 49

http://www.FaithFam ilyFreedoms. blogspot. com
The book "1984" written by George Orwell was certainly ahead of its time. In fact, the plot and story of the book are almost prophetic, especially in light of the fact that it was written in 1949.

The book describes a global government that had given words new meanings. The slogan for the Party was "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength." The process of changing the meaning of words and also the facts of history was known as "doublethink" . The so called, Ministry of Love enforced this agenda of the State, (known as Big Brother), through intimidation, fear, and brainwashing. Its importance was played down by the State, but its function was well known and it was arguably the most important of the State's ministry…controlling the will and thought process of the entire population.

The "Thought Police" thru a labyrinth of monitoring devices, cameras and media control, with the help of spying performed by fellow citizens, had the population constantly monitored to insure complete thought compliance.

In a process that has occurred at an amazingly rapid rate, we the citizens of the United States, now live in an Orwellian world of doublethink. Somehow, a democratic vote, supposedly cast the "wrong way", involving ANY ISSUE or ANY CANDIDATE can be considered "HATE".

"Tolerance" and "Not Hating" are now been elevated to be the highest human virtues based on today's post-modern, post-Christian, humanistic values. Character, Integrity and Faith have been denigrated and antiquated as values. Certainly this new agenda helps to neutralize opposition to any scheme put forth by social planners and the globalist "New World Order".

One of the greatest tactics used by those who are insane is to attempt to get you to doubt your own sanity. Never let anyone get you to internally doubt that your legal vote on any issue or candidate is a "hate crime" or somehow motivated by "hate".

Thankfully, the World War II generation had more common sense and sanity than to esteem false virtues like "Tolerance" and "Not Hating" when they battled and conquered the twin evil empires of the Japanese and the Nazis!

Read more of Bill Lussenheide' s "Speaks Out" columns at:
http://www.FaithFam ilyFreedoms. blogspot. com __._,_.___