China moves to usurp U.S. economy

Cites diminishing influence, debt, turmoil, chaos

Posted: May 02, 2011
8:59 pm Eastern

© 2011 WorldNetDaily

The BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – will need watching as they become a major force in the world economy with the stated intention, according to China, of replacing the United States as a major world economic force in the next few years, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

The members of BRICS just held a little-publicized meeting in China to discuss plans to peel other countries away from U.S. economic influence, which they perceive as faltering as the U.S. undertakes a more aggressive military posture to "preserve its empire," according to one informed source.

The leaders of these countries point to the ongoing U.S. military occupation of Iraq, the war in Afghanistan with stepped-up drone attacks into Pakistan, and now U.S. intervention in Libya as a way for countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to extend the organization's influence over resource-rich Africa.

They point to the recent U.S. creation of the Africa Command and to the existence of the Pacific Command and Southern Command as a way to continue propping up "American imperial borders."

These countries see the BRICS structure as an alternative as U.S. economic power diminishes abroad and at home with continued high unemployment and now rising inflation, which is expected to produce draconian austerity measures that will lead to possible political and economic chaos.

According to Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Wu Hailong, BRICS is becoming part of a new multi-polar world which other nations have signaled a desire to join.

China seems to be leading the charge to end the dollar's reign as the world's single reserve currency.

Beijing is pressing to establish mutual lines of credit in local currencies. While on its face this appears innocuous, it is a way that China hopes to turn the world away from the U.S. dollar.

Russia also is on that bandwagon.

For the rest of this report, and other Intelligence Briefs, please to go Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin:

* Turkey: Will protect Iran from anti-ballistic missile system

* Russia: Doubling ballistic missile production

* Schengen countries: Re-establishing border checks

* Nigeria: Christians under increasing Muslim attack

* Russia/Libya: Moscow-NATO rift grows

* Iran: Egypt ties undermine Israel

* Afghanistan: With friends like this…