Wake Up Americans and Bloom Where You Are Planted!

Posted by Darla Dawald, National Director on December 15, 2013 at 4:59am in Patriot Action Alerts
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By Darla Dawald

December 15, 2013
Day in and out I hear the same concerns and complaints from conservatives, libertarians, and tea partiers about the state of our county and government. As a matter of fact over the past 5 years I've seen very few people and organizations actually provide a solution to our situation. Of course I've heard the calls for a 3rd party and we need to vote them out, or the stop voter fraud discussions.

What I do not hear is the call to organize within the Republican party to take it back to it's roots. I don't hear many people or groups for that matter telling you that in order to change the political scene or narrative within the GOP we have to get inside the party and re-organize there to make a lasting impact at the state and national level.

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why the top level politicians and/or GOP operatives aren't telling you that in order to change things you must organize inside the Precinct and to really optimize your power you must become a Precinct Committeeman? Seriously, if organizing within the GOP is the main solution, then why aren't these GOPers telling you how to win back the party and thus the Senate and White House? Let me explain this to you patriots, THEY DON"T WANT YOU TO KNOW!
If you the American people understand the process for running the country for and by the people then THEY won't have the political power they now possess. If you thought there was a chance that by empowering others would take your power and influence away would you tell those people how to take it from you? Of course not!
The truth is that the Democrats know this little secret and use it every election to ensure they have some success. We surprised them in 2010 because we finally started to get it and began using some of their proven tactics to assist us the Tea Party with our goals. The Democrats may pay their volunteers to accomplish their goals but the point is they succeed because they raise the money or lobby the rich liberal elites to assist them with their massive donations that aid the party in ensuring the votes by paying off groups like ACORN.
2014 is a critical election cycle. It's also a midterm election and not generally highly participated in by the American public. Roughly 17% of registered voters actually cast their votes in a Mid-term election year. 2014 is a mid-term (meaning it's not a presidential election year, all House Reps are up for re-election every 2 years and senate members every 6 years) So the Mid-term is a very important election year and really in many ways more important than a Presidential Election year.

Congress make laws. Do you want to spend all your time worrying over a presidential candidate who simply signs off on a law or vetoes it or do you want to go straight to the actual lawmakers and put your time and emphasis there? For me it's an easy answer, Congress is where I need to spend my time and efforts to accomplish the greatest impact.

Another part of the process is understanding the direct link between precinct involvement and the leaders of the GOP in your state. Many people say they are tired of the GOP establishment running the party and the country into the ground! The establishment is constantly caving in to the Democrats demands and then turning on the more conservative members of the party and drawing a line in the sand while demonizing their own party members. It's this divide and concur tactic that is right out of the left's playback. Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals says to identify and polarize the opposition. Part of that process is to demonize and ruin. If you want to know whom the left fears, watch who they polarize and demonize. Remember how they used that tactic on Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Ted Cruz, the Tea Party? The very tactic used by the left has been employed by members of the establishment RINOs to cause they very same reaction from the average GOP American.
If you to change the narrative of the establishment GOPers, you have to organize as Precinct Committeeman within your party. As a Precinct Committeeman you have the power to vote for GOP state leadership. If you feel your state leaders are too establishment then you can help to turn the tide by voting for conservative members to take the state leadership roles. Additionally you can and should recruit more conservatives to fill all the slots of the GOP Precincts in your county.
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Would it astonish you to know that roughly 50% of all such positions within the GOP nationally are vacant? Is it any surprise that the party has been taken over by moderates and RINOs? When I learned these facts in 2009 I was completely shocked by these numbers, but then I had never even heard of a Precinct Committeeman and I can honesty say that in my 30 plus years as a American registered voter, I have never been contacted by phone or by personal visit to my house by anyone from my party. Therein lies a major problem within the party.

With 2014 right around the corner my thoughts are plagued with ideas, solutions, and concerns for our movement and what it will take to get a big tent push (conservatives working in concert for a greater good) for this movement to have unprecedented success in the mid-term elections. It's not enough to WANT change. It's not enough to email, post, share on Facebook and Twitter, and it's not enough to complain about our circumstances.

What it will take is every red blooded American that is able to become involved at the local level and dedication to this this through.

Like you I must say that I don't want to attend any meetings, knock on doors, call people, etc.... But it has come to a point in time that I don't have a choice. If I truly want to see this country come back and preserve freedom, I must take the steps to ensure that I am doing everything within my power to cause the change I desire to see. I am a precinct committeeman. I don't have time, but I have to make the time necessary to bring about a major tsunami in the political spectrum of our country!
The battle cry for 2014 is and has to be FLIP THE SENATE 2014! We don't have a choice. This is it patriots.
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Since Dec of 2008 I have spent nearly every day and almost every waking hour dedicated to informing and equipping Americans to take back our country and preserve our freedoms granted to us by God NOT government. I was one of three national coordinators for the historic march on DC on 9/12/2009 and assisted in organizing the Tax Day Tea Party in DC with Fair Tax in 2010. I traveled the country as a speaker with the Tea Party Express and spoke at over 200 rallies nationally, I have appeared on Fox News, CNN, and Meet the Press as well as several local TV stations nationally. I have worked on Patriot Action Network formerly the Patriotic Resistance (resistnet.com) to provide news, commentary, inspiration, facts, and a forum for self expression and camaraderie amongst patriots. I am doing everything humanly possible to make up for the years that I was a koolaid drinker and too busy to be bothered with politics. I made a commitment the first day I came to this site to spend every day for the rest of my life doing my part. I believe I am fulfilling that commitment. My question to you is this.... ARE YOU?
Please do not fill the comments section with complaints, comments about 3rd parties or not ever voting Republican again. If you truly value this country YOU MUST BE PART OF THE SOLUTION. If you aren't involved locally, do so. If you are involved locally and not experiencing success.... recruit more people that are like minded to join you under the GOP umbrella. That's how change will occur. We can and must steal back our parties, our elections, our voting machines, our Constitution and Rule of Law.
We can do this... WE MUST!
So in closing allow me to state that it's time for all patriots to bloom where you are planted. Stop waiting for some knight n shining armor. Stop expecting a neighbor or friends to do the work. YOU must Bloom where you are Planted. That simply means get involved locally and do everything in your power to influence change from there.

A few meetings a month, and few calls, a few hours a month will make a tremendous difference to all future generations. All politics are really local, so bloom where you are planted my patriotic friends that care so much for country. I will bloom and spread my message to all and any that I can get to listen. Will You?

Dear God,
Please forgive our past inaction and lack of care and concern for this great country of freedoms you gave us. Please God, bless our efforts to restore order, preserve freedom, and bring conservative and Christians values back to the their rightful place in this nation. Empower the people to do the work that must be done. Soften hearts and minds and allow us to Unite under the umbrella of Freedom and Liberty for All! We thank you Father for all of your blessings bestowed upon us. Thank you for your grace. In Jesus Name!
Are you ready?
Get involved and learn how here:
Take Back the GOP!

[IMG]http://api.ning.com/files/S7hsBCvqKXHlmDTJpRHTbssxkOdGT2dJDjUS74XCdo*DzUVg4C QVWOFO-ru5NqFWTARYccXB1f-CNNIYeeSqk83DfAhjD9UD/sampe9189edd2c49a7391.jpg[/IMG] Get answers here
If you have questions about what you need to do, how to get started, or becoming a PC (Precicnt Committeeman) please feel free to contact me here at PAN.
Darla Dawald, National Director and Patriot
Patriot Action Network
We could use all the help we can get to continue our efforts in 2014. Please make a donation to ensure that we can continue in 2014.

Thanks and God Bless You and God Bless America!

1.00, 5.00 or 50.00 doesn't matter...it all helps! Whatever you can give to assist us in continuing our work and effort to stop this socialist regime!
Thank you to all that help to support us!
