By Paul Cappadona
January 24, 2009

When Mr. Obama takes office he will obdurately follow the dictates of the cartel that groomed and selected him. He is no ordinary choice for these turbulent years ahead. The elites found in him a cold, cruel, and hard hearted man, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, needed to implement their takeover and it will begin soon. Mr. Obama and the new government regime will do the biding of their masters which will be to manage as receivers of the bankrupt corporate USA. They will execute the terms necessary to bring the bankruptcy to complete foreclosure. We were living in the last days of our Democracy. That time is coming to an end; democracy has accomplished that which was conspired. Democracy was the spending vehicle that drove us into incomprehensible debt. Time has come for the next New Deal and Obama will be the pitch man. I always said that Communism is foreclosure where all assets are ceased by the State. The State is the bank’s management team controlling the foreclosed assets. You being a US person or US resident have been used for collateral for all corporate US debt. You will become human resource controlled by the State. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn said and I paraphrase, “by the time the west realizes what has happened it will be too late.â€