Democrats are the ones who have run these cities into the ground. Complete chaos and crime.

They are morally bankrupt, they lie, they cheat, there is massive waste and abuse of taxpayer money. They have bankrupt their city coffers.

They pander to the illegals, the blacks, the minorities, the criminals. They turn a blind eye to the innocent who are harmed by this lawlessness. Their policies have done nothing to help people. Obama / Biden did nothing to help the inner-cities. Biden / Harris will do nothing for these communities. They will drive us all right into the ground.

They are destroying this country. They have told us to our face they will raise our taxes, throw the border open to every criminal on the planet, bring back job killing regulations, decimate our healthcare system, and the jobs will flee back overseas!

They will make us pay to clean up the pollution around the world with their crazy climate change ponzi scheme!!! The biggest polluters are China and India. They have already made bad deals to force us to subsidize drug prices for the rest of the world while WE cannot afford to pay for our own! They have mad bad deals taking our jobs away leaving our manufacturing buildings in ruins across the nation.

We are $30 trillion in debt. These swamp rats have already ran out of other peoples money...OURS!!! And now they want us to fund FREE healthcare, and every government benefit available to illegal aliens and millions more that will pour over our border. We will all be living like Venezuela

Biden / Harris wins and we will be $40 TRILLION in debt in no time! This has got to stop!